재즈바이올린 노엘라 정

재즈바이올린 노엘라 정 (Noella Jung)
D.M.A. (Doctor of Musical Arts) degree in violin performance at the Florida State University, USA
미국 플로리다 주립대 음악대학 박사 졸업
Master of Musical Arts) degree in violin performance at the New England Conservatory, USA
미국 뉴 잉글랜드 음악원 석사 졸업
Active Film director, writer, actor and concert artist
영화 감독, 작가, 배우, 전문 연주자로서 활동 중
A renowned Korean violinist/actress/writer/producer Noella holds her B.M. and M.M. degrees in violin performance from the New England Conservatory of Music and D.M.A. (Doctor of Musical Arts) degree in violin performance at the Florida State University.
She has released two new age music albums in Korea and is actively performing throughout Korea. She not only performs, but also combines her music with paintings of various artists on stages such as Chagall, Monet, Van Gogh and so forth. And because of her unique approach to combining music and art, she has earned the title of “Pioneer of Collaboration in Arts.” She has produced a classical music show called My Dinner with Noella in which she combined a film making with violin performance on a stage with various art works and it became a hit in performing arts in Korea and was invited to play for the TEDx in 2015. In 2018, it was selected as a ‘stage tune up project’ by CJ Group and gave 13 concerts in 11 days and made a record of all the tickets sold out.
On top of being a violinist, she also works as a lyricist and a writer. Her book called A Moment that Painting is Audible and Music is Visible became the best seller within a week of its releasing date. It was translated and published in China as well.
Furthermore, her lecture concerts in which she combines a lecture with a concert became very popular in Korea and she has given more than 150 performances and was invited to play for the Korean presidential residence, the Blue House.
Additionally, Noella works as a lyricist and wrote many lyrics for K-pop as well as for the campaign song for Pyeong Chang Olympic called One victory in 2018.
She also works as an actress and has appeared in movies in U.S. and Korea and is selected as a female lead in Korean and American feature films. Recently she has directed short movies and has won the best actress and the best director from various film festivals.
Through various art forms such as music, acting, writing, and producing, she wants to communicate with the world and also wishes that ‘art’ would become ‘an inspiration for a creative life.’