첼로 전경원

첼로 전경원 (Kyung-won Jeon)
Active as a concert Soloist Artist
전문 연주자 활동 중
Lecture of Yewon School and Seoul Arts High School
예원학교, 서울예고 출강
첼리스트 전경원 은 서울예술고등학교를 졸업하고 한국예술종합학교에서 학사(예술사)와 석사(예술전문사)를 취득하였고 그 후 미국으로 건너가 미시건 주립대학교(Michigan State University) 박사과정을 거쳐 듀케인 대학교(Duquesne University 피츠버그)에서 아티스트 디플로마를 취득하였다. 듀케인 대학교 재학시절, 그의 스승인 피츠버그 심포니 오케스트라 첼로 수석 Anne Martindale Williams로부터 “예리한 곡 해석과 풍부한 톤을 만들어내는 탁월한 능력의 음악인, 그리고 따뜻한 감성의 첼리스트”라는 최고의 찬사를 받았다.
그는 조선일보 콩쿠르 1등과 한국 페스티발 앙상블 콩쿠르 우승과 더불어 페스티발 상을 받았으며 2003년도 에는 영국 첼튼햄 오케스트라 협연자 콩쿠르에서 우승함으로써 쇼스타코비치 첼로 협주곡1번으로 국제 무대에 데뷔하였다. 그 후 미시건 주립대 시절 Honors competition의 Finalist였으며 미시건 주립대와 듀케인 대학교에서는 전액 장학금 과 수석 첼리스트 에게만 주어지는 (Stanley and Selma Hollander Endowed Scholarship)을 받았으며 첼로 조교(Teaching Assistant)로 학생들을 가르쳤다.
한국예술종합학교 오케스트라 첼로수석과 한국, 러시아 합동 오케스트라 첼로수석을 역임하였으며 러시아와 일본, 미국에서 수많은 실내악과 오케스트라 연주를 하였고 유학시절에는 미시건 주립대 오케스트라 와 듀케인 대학교 오케스트라 첼로수석을 역임하였으며 그 후 미국 마이애미에 있는 뉴월드 심포니 오케스트라(마이클 틸슨 토마스 지휘) 첼리스트로 활동 하였다. KBS 교향악단, 경기필하모닉 오케스트라, 성남시립교향악단, 전주시립교향악단, 청주시립교향악단 과 협연하였고 프라임 필하모닉 오케스트라 수석을 역임하였으며, 서울 솔리스트 첼로앙상블, 하늠 쳄버앙상블, 한국페스티발 앙상블, 헤리티지 앙상블, 앙상블스텐토, 앙상블 소리공감, Bliss 트리오(리더) 에서 다양한 연주활동을 하고 있다.
기전대학교 교수, 한국예술종합학교, 서경대학교, 한세대학교, 예원, 서울예고, 선화예고, 계원예고 에서 후학을 지도하였고 미국 듀케인대학과 우즈베키스탄 Conservatory of Uzbekistan 대학에서 Master Class 와 연주, 2008년에는 저명한 국제콩쿠르 International “Iste’dod” Music Competition of Uzbekistan 에서 심사위원으로 초빙되었다 또한 한국일보콩쿠르, 음연콩쿠르, 음악교육신문사콩쿠르, 음악저널콩쿠르, 에듀클래식콩쿠르, 우진아트홀콩쿠르, 포네클래식 콩쿠르 등…국내 주요콩쿠르 심사위원을 역임하였다.
현재 첼리스트 전경원은 블리스트리오 리더와 미국에서 활동하며 Concert Artist 및 교수로서 마스터클래스와 국제콩쿠르 심사위원으로 활동하고 있다.
Cellist Kyung Won Jeon began learning the cello at the age of 11, and He attended Seoul Arts High School (“SAHS”), Korea’s most prestigious pre-college level classical music and arts school for students of 15-18 years old. After graduating from SAHS, he was accepted into Korea National University of Arts’ (“KNUA”) Department of Instrumental Music where he studied the cello under Myung-hwa Chung, a world-renowned cellist and the winner of the Geneva International Music Competition. He received a bachelor’s degree and thereafter a master’s degree in music from KNUA.
Upon completing his studies at KNUA, he initially pursued a doctoral degree in cello performance at Michigan State University (MSU) in Lansing, Michigan. At MSU, he was on a full-tuition scholarship (Stanley and Selma Hollander Endowed Scholarship for First Chair in Cello), and studied under and worked as a teaching assistant to Suren Bagratuni, a world-renowned cellist and the winner of the silver medal at the 1986 International Tchaikovsky Competition. However, in order to shift his focus of cello performance in the orchestral music context, Kyung Won decided to enroll in the Artist Diploma Program at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he, again, was on a full-tuition scholarship and worked as a teaching assistant. At Duquesne he studied under Anne Martindale Williams, Principal Cellist of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and a lecturer at Carnegie Mellon and Duquesne universities. Kyung Won, successfully completed his study and received his Artist Diploma from Duquesne in 2008.
While attending SAHS, Kyung Won won his first major music competition at a relatively young age; he won the first prize at the Chosun Newspaper Competition, Korea’s most prestigious classical music competition. Three years later, in 1995, he won the first prize at the Korean Festival Ensemble Competition. In 2002, he competed in his first international music competition, Concerto Competition of Cheltenham Symphony Orchestra in the United Kingdom, and won the first prize. Concerto Competition of Cheltenham Symphony Orchestra also provided him with his debut at the international stage where he played the Cello Concerto No. 1 by Dmitri Shostakovich with Cheltenham Symphony Orchestra.
In addition to his performance with Cheltenham Symphony Orchestra, Kyung Won has performed either as a soloist or with numerous Korean and overseas ensembles and/or orchestras (see Curriculum Vitae for the full list) including but not limited to performance at the Bach Hall in Vienna, Austria, the Tchaikovsky Hall of the Moscow Conservatory in Russia, Fete de la Musique (Music Festival) in Courchevel, France (2002), Osaka University, Japan, The Music Auditorium Building at Michigan State University (2005), Duquesne University Concert Hall (2007 and 2008), Heritage Ensemble String Quartet Foundation Concert at Ceramic Palace Hall, Korea, Jeon Kyung Won Cello Solo Recital at Seoul Arts Center, Korea, HanKyung Philharmonic New Spring Concert at Daegu Arts Center, Korea, and Korea Festival Ensemble Contemporary Music at Seoul Art Center, Korea. Upon returning to Korea in 2008, Kyung Won began teaching at various pre-college level music and arts schools as well as universities. he was a adjunct Professor of Kijeon University and also lecturer at Seoul Art High School, SunHwa Art High School, YeoWon School, SAHS (his alma mater),Jeonju University, HanSei University, and SeoKyeong University. He has been invited primary music competitions in Korea as jury member like Hankook news paper competition, Eumyeon ,Music Journal…etc. Also He was invited one of jury members in International “Iste’dod” Music Competition of Uzbekistan 2018.
In addition to his obligations as an educator, he remains active as a one of the leading young cellists in Korea by regularly holding solo recitals as well as performing in ensemble concerts through his involvement in chamber orchestras and ensembles such as Seoul Solist Cello Ensemble, Heritage Ensemble, Hanum Chamber Ensemble, and Bliss Piano Trio. He is a Professional Concert Artist, Professor and judge of international competition in the world.