클라리넷 이현지

클라리넷 이현지 (Hyun-ji Lee)
Active conceert artist
전문 연주자 활동 중
Faculty at Dr Hoch’s Konservatorium, Germany
독일 닥터 혹스 콘서바토리움 출강
Clarinetist Hyunji Lee was born in Busan, South Korea, and is a winner of numerous prizes, such as first prizes at the Korean Chamber Orchestra´s 11th National Competition, the Vienna Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition, at London´s The North International Music Competition and, as long-term Duo Sonyul with pianist Sven Bauer, at the Golden Classical Music Awards. Furthermore she received prizes at international music competitions in Berlin and Salzburg and a scholarship from the Yehudi Menuhin Stiftung Live Music Now.
Clarinetist Hyunji Lee was born in Busan, South Korea, and is a winner of numerous prizes, such as first prizes at the Korean Chamber Orchestra´s 11th National Competition, the Vienna Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition, at London´s The North International Music Competition and, as long-term Duo Sonyul with pianist Sven Bauer, at the Golden Classical Music Awards. Furthermore she received prizes at international music competitions in Berlin and Salzburg and a scholarship from the Yehudi Menuhin Stiftung Live Music Now.
Besides, Hyunji Lee has broad orchestral experience and is actively involved in chamber music. She has performed with Würth Philharmonic, Russian Chamber Philharmonic St. Petersburg, Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt, Kammeroper Frankfurt, Kammerphilharmonie Frankfurt, Camerata Epiphania, Festival Orchestra of the Höri Musiktage, Bläserphilharmonie Süd-West, Rhein-Main-Classic-Ensemble, Junge Philharmonie Mitte Europas, Young Philharmonic Orchestra Niedersachsen, Bläserphilharmonie Baden-Württemberg, the orchestra of „Junge Oper Rhein-Main“ and the International Academy Orchestra Schloss Hundisburg. As a soloist she played with the Hamburger Sinfonieorchester, among others.
Hyunji Lee studied her Bachelor of Music clarinet with Prof. Matthias Luft at German School of Music Weimar of Kangnam University including a year abroad with scholarship with Prof. Martin Spangenberg at Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar. After her graduation she continued her studies in Germany with Prof. Laura Ruiz-Ferreres at Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main graduating with the Diploma „Künstlerische Ausbildung Klarinette“ and the Diploma in Instrumental Pedagogics. Hyunji Lee completed her studies with Contact Studies in Chamber Music with Prof. Roglit Ishay at Hochschule für Musik Freiburg and a Master´s degree in Chamber Music with the Auryn Quartett at Hochschule für Musik Detmold.
부산 태생의 클라리네티스트 이현지는 Korean Chamber Orchestra ́s 11th National Competition, 비엔나 Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition, 런던 North International Music Competition, 베를린, 잘츠부르크등 국내 뿐만이아니라 해외에서도 다수의 콩쿠르에서 입상하며 그녀의 뛰어난 음악적 재능을 인정받았고, 피아니스트 스벤 바우어와 함께 듀오‘선율‘로 연주 활동을 하며 Golden Classical Music Awards 에서도 수상경력이 있다. Yehudi Menuhin Stiftung Live Music Now 의 장학금을 받으며 그녀의 활발한 연주활동을 이어나갔다.
뿐만 아니라 클라리네티스트 이현지는 독일에서 여러 오케스트라와 실내악연주 등 다양한 무대에서 두각을 드러내고 있는데 특히 Würth Philharmonic, Russian Chamber Philharmonic St. Petersburg, Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt, Kammeroper Frankfurt, Kammerphilharmonie Frankfurt, Camerata Epiphania, Festival Orchestra of the Höri Musiktage, Bläserphilharmonie Süd-West, Rhein-Main-Classic-Ensemble, Junge Philharmonie Mitte Europas, Young Philharmonic Orchestra Niedersachsen, Bläserphilharmonie Baden-Württemberg, the orchestra of „Junge Oper Rhein-Main“, International Academy Orchestra Schloss Hundisburg 를 통하여 오케스트라 연주자로서의 재능을 보이고, Hamburger Sinfonieorchester 등 여러 오케스트라와의 협연으로 솔리스트로도 큰 찬사와 호응을 받았다.
이현지는 강남대학교 음악학부와 독일 바이마르 국립음악대학에서 공동학위제 프로그램을 (디플롬) Matthias Luft 교수를 사사, 뿐만 아니라 일년동안 교환학생을 바이마르 국립음대에서 Martin Spangenberg 교수를 사사, 장학금을 받으며 마친 후 우수한 성적으로 졸업한다. 2011년 독일 유학길에 올라 프랑크푸르트 국립음대에서 Laura Ruiz-Ferreres 교수를 사사하며 그녀의 학업을 계속 이어나간다. 프랑크푸르트 국립음대에서 클라리넷 솔로 석사과정과 더불어 음악교육학 디플롬을 성공적으로 취득한다. 그 후에 이현지는 프라이부르크 국립음대에서 Roglit Ishay 교수를 사사로 실내악과정 Kontaktstudium 을 졸업하고, 데트몰트 국립음대에서 실내악 마스터과정을 Auryn Quartett 를 사사하며 뛰어난 성적으로 졸업했다.