바이올린 파벨 키얼스

바이올린 파벨 키얼스 (Pavel Kirs)
Founding member of the Prague String Trio
프라하 스트링 트리오 창립 멤버
A member of Česká filharmonie
체코 필하모닉 오케스트라 단원
Guest member of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra
서울시립교향악단 객원 단원
Pavel graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. He also studied at Toho Gauken Academy in Tokio and at Universität der Künste in Berlin (at the class of prof. T. Tomaszewsky). He gained a prestigious Artist Diploma in postgraduate program at the Tel Avi University, Buchann-Mehta School of Music, Israel. Pavel is a very successful soloist and interpret; he regularly holds concerts in the Czech Republic as well as abroad. He is a founding member of the Prague String Trio and also has activities at the Gertler String Quartet. Pavel is a sought-after and experienced teacher, working with students of all ages and levels. He has been with ISMFA since 2016.