재즈피아노 알렉세이 치가노프

재즈피아노 알렉세이 치가노프 (Alexei Tsiganov)
Faculty of New England Conservatory, USA
미국 뉴 잉글랜드 음악원 출강
Faculty of Berklee College of Music, USA
미국 버클리 음악대학 출강
Alexei Tsiganov is a composer, pianist, vibraphonist and educator.
He has played and recorded with: Claudio Roditi, Antonio Sanchez, Chico Freeman, Esperanza Spalding, Bobby Watson, Victor Lewis, Bob Moses, Jerry Bergonzi, Gene Jackson, Alex Sipiagin, Boris Kozlov, Norman Hedman, Willie Martinez, Bevan Manson, Tony Malaby, George Garzone, John Lockwood, Bob Gullottii, Samba de Três, George Schuller, Ed Schuller, Avery Sharp, Donny McCaslin, Greg Osby, David Kikoski and others. He has appeared with his group on WERS-Boston radio station and in Eric In the Evening program on WGBH-Boston, performing original music and standards.
At the age of seventeen Tsiganov began playing at St. Petersburg Jazz Philharmonic Hall, the largest jazz club in the Soviet Union, first as a member of the David Goloschokin Group (host band), and later with his own program. In 1989, he won the St. Petersburg Competition of Young Jazz Performers, and in 1990 was among winners of the 1st All-Russian Jazz Music Competition in Rostov-on-Don. These accomplishments had brought him wide recognition in Russia, and he began regular appearances in the national radio and TV programs. In 1991, Tsiganov came to the United States to continue his career in the motherland of jazz.
He studied with Gary Burton at Berklee College of Music, and at the New England Conservatory of Music with Charlie Banacos and George Russell. In these past years, Tsiganov has performed solo and with his group in and around Greater New England, New York City at renown clubs such as Jazz Standard, Sweet Rhythm, American Museum of Natural History (broadcasted by WBGO Jazz 88.3), Regattabar, Topeka Jazz Festival, d’Ouro Jazz Festival (Portugal), Petropavlovsky Jazz Festival, (St. Petersburg, Russia), Chapada Jazz Festival (Mato Grosso, Brazil), Jazz nos Fundos (São Paulo, Brazil) among others and has toured Jazz clubs abroad throughout the United States, Europe, South America and Asia.