첼로 페르 니스트롬

첼로 페르 니스트롬 (Per Nyström)
Principal in Uppsala Chamber Orchestra, Sweden
스웨덴 웁살라 챔버 오케스트라 수석
2012 holder of the Swedish royal medal ‘Literis et artibus’
2012년 스웨덴 왕실 훈장 ‘Literis et artibus’ 수여
Kammarmusikens Vänner festivals founder & artistic advisor and Served as artistic director
“Kammarmusikens Vänner festivals”설립자 겸 예술 고문, 예술 감독 역임
Per Nyström is a Swedish cellist traveling the world as chamber musician & soloist and currently principal cello in UPPSALA CHAMBER SOLOISTS and UPPSALA CHAMBER ORCHESTRA in Sweden. Since 2001 Per is honorary fellow of the University of Aberdeen, and since 2012 holder of the Swedish royal medal ‘Literis et artibus’. Per was founder & artistic director of Kammarmusikens Vänner (K-V) festivals & masterclasses 2006–2017, (ex Aurora/Old Ox Festivals) and is since 2018 artistic advisor. K-V is one of the world’s largest organizers of classical music festivals. Per was cellist and co-founder of the YGGDRASIL STRING QUARTET, 1992–2001. The Quartet had a residency at the University of Aberdeen for 5 years and toured the world performing in the great European halls and concerthouses. During 2001–2016 Per was principal cellist in CAMERATA NORDICA chamber orchestra, an orchestra at the time considered one of Europe’s leading chamber orchestras. Per plays on a Antonio & Giuseppe Gagliano cello from Naples 1796, and lifts 200kg in dead lift.