피아노 니콜라이 사라토프스키

피아노 니콜라이 사라토프스키

Russian President’s Award for his musical accomplishments.

음악적 업적에 따라 러시아 대통령 상 수상

Professor at the National Taipei University of Education

타이베이 국립 교육대학원 음악과 교수

Nikolai Saratovsky is an internationally acclaimed Russian concert pianist.  He graduated from the Moscow Central Music School and Moscow State Conservatory under guidance of Professor Elena Richter.  Saratovsky`s development is followed by world-renowned artists such as Dmitry Bashkirov, Nelson Delle-Vigne Fabbri, Philippe Entremont, Jerome Lowenthal, Michel Beroff, Robert Roux and Artiom Agazhanov.   

Nikolai Saratovsky is a prizewinner of numerous competitions such as Hamamatsu, Ferrol competitions, and many others.    

Nikolai Saratovsky is regularly invited to conduct masterclasses in Russia, Japan, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Luxembourg, Hong Kong and Taiwan.


The pianist has performed in major concert halls around the world including the Great, Small, and Rachmaninoff Halls of the Moscow Conservatory; National Concert Hall in Taipei; Brussels Royal Conservatory Hall; Suntory Hall in Tokyo, Luxembourg Philharmonic. He has performed solo and with orchestras in 24 world capitals across the globe including New Zealand, Belgium, Luxembourg, USA, Portugal, Spain, Taiwan, Japan and Russia. 

His newest CD was released in November 2018 in the presence of the Russian Ambassador in Luxembourg.

In 2020, Nikolai Saratovsky became a piano professor in the faculty of the Music Department of National Taipei University of Education.

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