피아노 노르마 피셔

피아노 노르마 피셔 (Norma Fisher)Norma Fisher

Professor at Royal College of Music, UK

영국 왕립 음악원 교수

Artistic Director of London Master Class Series, UK

   영국 런던 마스터클래스 시리즈 예술 감독


Norma Fisher was born in London of Russian-Polish parents. Recognised as ‘a rare musical talent’, at the age of 11 she was awarded a Junior Exhibition to study with Sidney Harrison at the Guildhall School of Music. At 14 she was heard by the celebrated Greek pianist Gina Bachauer who became her mentor, introducing her to the distinguished Hungarian teacher Ilona Kabos, with whom she subsequently studied. A period was also spent in Paris studying French music with Jacques Fevrier. Her highly acclaimed early performances for the BBC led to an invitation by RIAS (Berlin) to perform with the Berlin Symphony Orchestra – which launched her career in Europe.


Success in the Busoni International Piano Competition as a top prize-winner followed and in 1963, when she shared the much-coveted Piano Prize in the Harriet Cohen International Music Awards with Vladimir Ashkenazy, Norma’s international reputation was sealed. That same year she made her debut at the Proms in the Royal Albert Hall and became a favourite soloist with all the leading British orchestras. She is known for her versatility as a performer, receiving international acclaim as one of Britain’s leading pianists. This versatility extends to chamber music, which she plays with leading musicians throughout the world.


The CDs of Norma’s recently re-issued BBC recordings by Sonetto Classics, “Norma Fisher at the BBC Vol 1”, and “Norma Fisher at the BBC Vol 2” have been received with international acclaim, being awarded Editors and Critics Choice 2018 and 2019, by The Gramophone Magazine.


Norma’s reputation as a teacher is widely established and many of her prize-winning students are well known on the international concert circuit. She is invited to give masterclasses throughout the world and is also much in demand as an adjudicator being regularly invited on the jury of many major international piano competitions. She is Artistic Director of London Master Classes whose courses attract major talent from around the world to work intensively with top performers/teachers in London.



In 2018 London Master Classes celebrated 30 years of offering prestigious events.

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