글쓴이 이름: eugeneonmusic

작곡, 음악이론

작곡/음악이론 로리스 세본키안

작곡/음악이론 로리스 세본키안 작곡/음악이론 로리스 세본키안 (Lorris Sevhonkian) Professor an der Kalaidos Musikhochschule in Zürich, Switzerland 스위스 칼라이도스 음악대학 교수 Lecture of Conservatoire Montreux, Switzerland 스위스 몽트뢰 음악 아카데미 출강   https://www.lorris.ch/en                       Lorris Sevhonkian was born in Paris in 1959. Swiss pianist of Armenian origin, he completed his piano studies in Fribourg (CH), Paris (Monique Deschaussées), Zürich (Esther Yellin). He teaches at the Kalaidos University High School (Zürich) where he is also professor of musical theory.   In parallel, Lorris Sevhonkian is also a painter, exhibiting regularly in Switzerland and Germany.   In  recent years, he has had the opportunity to become involved in theatre (as a musician-actor) and film (as artistic coach) related projects.  His artistic and professional activities lead him, apart from Switzerland, in Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Austria. He has recorded (La Chaux-de-Fonds/CH and Berlin, Stuttgart/DE) six Cds for the german firm Ambitus (DE).


플루트 알베르토 아쿠나

플루트 알베르도 아쿠나 플루트 알베르토 아쿠나 (Alberto Acuna) Active Academist in the ¨Karajan Akademie der Berliner Philharmoniker¨ “베를린 필하모닉 카라얀 아카데미” 소속 아카데미스트로 활동 중 Active as a concert Soloist Artist 전문 연주자 활동 중                       https://www.albertoacunaflutist.com/biography                                            Considered as “… a musician to follow in the upcoming generation…” Alberto has already been a  prizewinner at several of the most important international competitions and has been invited to play  with some of the most prestigious orchestras with conductors like Seiji Ozawa, Fabio Luisi, Kirill  Petrenko, Jonathan Nott or Daniel Harding.                                            Currently, he is Academist in the ¨Karajan Akademie der Berliner Philharmoniker¨ under the tutelage of  Emmanuel Pahud, Mathieu Dufour, Michael Hasel, Jelka Weber and Egor Egorkin. And at the same time  enrolled at the Soloist Master degree program at the Haute École de Musique of Geneva in the class of  professor Jacques Zoon.                                           He has been awarded at several competitions such as the “Carl Nielsen International Competition  (Denmark) 2022”, the “Maxence Larrieu International Competition 2019 (France)”, the “Aurèle Nicolet  International Competition (GuangZhou, China) 2018”, the “Cluj-Napoca International Flute Competition  in 2019 (Rumania)”, “Riddes Flute Competition 2018 (Switzerland)” or “Andalucia Flauta International  Competition (Spain) 2016”.                                             Alberto Acuña, initiated his musical studies at the age of 8 years in Seville (Spain) with Manuel Jesus  Lucas Traves and Wendela Claire van Swol in Córdoba, finishing in 2014 his intermediate level studies,  with a honorific prize.                                           In 2012, at the age of 16, he was selected to attend the Academy for Orchestral Studies of the  Barenboim-Said Foundations, located in Seville, working with Professor Thomas Beyer (principal flute,  Staatskapelle Berlin), and in 2013 and 2014 he was selected to join the prestigious Verbier Festival  Junior Orchestra under the baton of Daniel Harding.                                            He has received masterclasses from distinguished flutists, like Philippe Bernold, Davide Formisano, Silvia  Careddu, Pierre Yves-Artaud, Felix Renggli and Emmanuel Pahud.                                            As a soloist he has performed with orchestras such as the Odense Symphony Orchestra, Orquesta de  Córdoba, Orquesta Filarmonica de Malaga, the Transylvania State Philharmonic Orchestra or the  Orchestre Philharmonique de Nice.                     He is playing as Academist with the Berliner Philharmoniker Orchestra, and also frequently invited to play  as 1st flute with the Saito Kinen Orchestra (Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Music Festival), Orchestre de la  Suisse Romande (Switzerland), Mito Chamber Orchestra (Japan), Orquesta Sinfonica de Barcelona y Nacional de Cataluña, Orquesta Filarmonica de Gran Canaria, and Turku Philharmonic. These invitations have lead him to perform in some of the  greatest venues, such as the Victoria Hall, the Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall, the Grand Theatre de  Geneve, the Mito Concert Hall, the GuangZhou Concert Hall (China), the Auditorio Nacional de España or  the Philharmonie de Berlin.                            Alberto is also very active in chamber music, having toured around Europe and South America with the  Aurora Piano Quartet and Echos Ensemble (Wind Quintet).                                       He is supported by the Pour-Cent-Culturel-Migros since 2020 알베르토 아쿠나 유튜브 채널


플루트 에드워드 벨마르

플루트 에드워드 벨마르 플루트 에드워드 벨마르 (Eduard Belmar) Professor an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt, Germany 독일 프랑크푸르트 국립 음악대학 교수 Principal at the Frankfurter Opern-und Museumsorchester 독일 프랑크푸르트 뮤지움 오케스트라 수석 https://eduardbelmar.com/ Eduard Belmar (Mallorca, 1992) started flute studies at 8. Endorsed by impeccable academic training at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya in Barcelona, with Vicens Prats, and later at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et Danse de Paris, with Sophie Cherrier and Vincent Lucas as professors, and also at the Hochschule für Musik of Stuttgart under the supervision of professor Davide Formisano. Later he concluded his musical education with Prof. Felix Renggli in the Hochschule für Musik Basel. Has participated at the Pablo Casals Festival in France and twice at the Schleswig Holstein Musik Festival, with conductors like Christoph Eschenbach, Manfred Honeck and Michael Sanderling. He has taken part in several international music competitions in Spain, Italy and Germany, the last one at ARD 2015 in Munich, where he was awarded with the third prize. Eduard Belmar has collaborated with several orchestras like the Orchestre de Paris, Munich Philarmonic, WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln, the Orquestra Simfònica del Liceu de Barcelona, the SWR Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart, the HR Sinfonieorchester Frankfurt or the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Leipzig Gewandhausorchester, the NDR Elbphilarmonie Orchester (Hamburg) and, as a soloist, with the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunk and the Münchener Kammerorchester. He has been principal flutist at the Badische Staatskapelle based in Karlsruhe, Germany, since 2014. In April 2016 he won the audition for principal flute at the Oper Frankfurt und Museums Orchester, position he currently holds. Since 2020, he is associate teacher in the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main. From September 2025, he will become the new Soloist at the Konzerthausorchester Berlin. 에드워드 벨마르


플루트 임메 진 클레트

플루트 임메 진 클레트 플루트 임메 진 클레트 (Imme-Jeanne Klett) Professor an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, Germany 독일 함부르크 국립 음악대학 교수 Professor an der Kalaidos Musikhochschule in Zürich, Switzerland 스위스 칼라이도스 음악대학 교수   https://www.imme-jeanne-klett.de/home.html Imme-Jeanne Klett comes from Hamburg and studied at the Hochschule für Musik & Theater Hamburg with Prof. Jean-Claude Gérard and Prof. Ingrid Koch-Dörnbrak. After taking her final examination she worked successfully as a soloist with various orchestras and the Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss, the Hamburg Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, Hamburg Camerata, Elbipolis Barockorchester Hamburg, Hamburg Ratsmusik, Vilnius String Camerata and many more, and performed as a chamber musician with various ensembles in Germany and abroad, with regular concert trips to the US and throughout Europe. Imme-Jeanne Klett took up an invitation as soloist at the International Flute Festival and has performed frequently as a soloist and chamber musician at the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Music Festival, Lower Saxony Musik Festival, Festival EuroKlassik, the Kultursommer Hohenlohe, Festival Arabesques Hamburg, China-Time Hamburg and Berlin, the Corveyer Musikwochen, the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Music Summer and the Wismar Mozart Festival, and also in performances combining music and speech, in cooperation with acclaimed actors such as Christian Brückner, Maria Hartmann, Claus Bantzer, Christiane Hörbiger and Clemens von Ramin. In addition to the standard flute repertoire of all periods, Imme-Jeanne Klett has a special interest in rarely played literature for flute solo and for the flute in unusual chamber music combinations. In 1995 she founded Ensemble Obligat Hamburg (wind, strings, harp, piano and harpsichord), which is dedicated to presenting chamber music of all periods in a wide range of sounds and instrumental combinations. The Ensemble has given guest performances with exquisite programmes and full chamber music formation at prestigious concert series and acclaimed international festivals. Since 2005 it has been the ensemble in residence at OBLIGAT!, the premium chamber music festival in Hamburg (formerly “Summer Serenade”). Imme-Jeanne Klett is the Artistic Director of OBLIGAT!, Festival of Chamber Music in Hamburg, with venues at the White Room of Jenisch House, the Galionsfigurensaal of Altona Museum and the Inner Courtyard of the Museum of Hamburg History. She has made CDs with Dabringhaus und Grimm Detmold, Genuin Leipzig and the C2/ES-Dur label Hamburg. Her radio credits include many recordings for Deutschlandradio Kultur and NDR, Hessischer Rundfunk, Radio Bremen, and broadcasts on BR, RBB, WDR, SWR, Radio France, Radio Finland, Radio New Zealand, and many more. Imme-Jeanne Klett is Professor of Flute at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg and teaches flute and chamber music courses. Her orchestral engagements included the 1998-99 season with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, and since 1999 she has been principal flautist with Hamburg Camerata. 임메 진 클레트 유튜브 채널


플루트 천민경

플루트 천민경 플루트 천민경 (Min-kyeong Chun) Master’s degree of the Conservatoire royal de Brussel(Traverso), Belgium 벨기에 브뤼셀 왕립 음악원 석사(바로크 플룻) 졸업 Bachelor and Master’s degree of the Conservatoire royal de Mons, Belgium 벨기에 몽스 왕립 음악원 학사 및 석사 최우수 성적 졸업 Guest professor of the Sungkyul University 성결대 음악대학 객원 교수 Lecture of Sunhwa and Incheon Arts High School 선화예고, 인천예고 출강                    선화예중, 선화예고 재학 중 음연, 예진, 호서대 등 여러 콩쿨에서 우수한 성적으로 입상하며 일찍이 두각을 나타낸 플루티스트 천민경은 벨기에 브뤼셀 왕립음악원에서 석사(바로크 플룻), 벨기에 몽스 왕립음악원에서 학사 및 석사를 최우수 성적으로 졸업하였다. 벨기에 유학 중 왈노니아 국제 음악 축제, Arsonic Concert Hall, Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, Abbaye de Saint-Ghslain, Bruxells Chapelle Royale, CRB Grande Salle 등 유수의 연주 무대와 Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain, I Virtuosi Di Waterloo 등과 같은 유수의 앙상블과 협연하며 차세대 플루티스트로서의 탄탄한 실력과 입지를 다져나가고 있다. 지난 2018년 금호아트홀 연세에서 천민경의 스승인 플루티스트 마크 그로엘스(벨기에 몽스 왕립음악원 명예교수)와 함께 먼저 듀오 리사이틀로 국내에서 정식 데뷔 무데를 치렀고 이후 유럽 활동을 마치고 한국 귀국하여 뜻깊은 첫 단독 리사이틀을 갖게 되었다. 그녀는 현재 성결대학교 객원 교수로 재직 중이다.   천민경 유튜브 채널


플루트 이혜경

플루트 이혜경 플루트 이혜경 (Hye-gyeong Lee) Honorary professor at Dankook University College of Music 단국대 음악대학 명예교수                 플루티스트 이혜경은 이화, 경향 콩쿨과 연세대학교 주최 콩쿨에서 입상한 후 국립교향악단과 협연하였으며 이화여고 재학 중 도미하였다. 유학 중 트라이 카운티 음악협회 콩쿨, 드렉스웰 음대 콩쿨, 맨하탄 음대 콩쿨, 아티스트 인터내셔널 콩쿨 등에서 1등 하였고 맨하탄 심포니, 넛틀리 심포니, 리틀 심포니, 뉴 스쿨 심포니, 베네수엘라의 마라카이보 심포니 등과 협연 하였다.                      1988년에 맨하탄 dameo에서 음악 예술학 박사학위를 받았고 1989년 귀국하였다. 귀국 후 KBS 교향악단, 서울 시향, 부산 시향, 부천 시향, 춘천 시향, 울산 시향, 진주 시향, 마산 시향, 포항 시향, 루마니아 국립 Black Sea 오케스트라, 바로크 앙상블, 이무지치 드 몬트리올 실내악단, 야나첵 챔버 오케스트라, 서울 심포니 오케스트라, 아카데미 앙상블, 코리아 신포니에타, 코리안 심포니 오케스트라, 마드리 실내악단 등과 협연하였으며 또한 대만 정부 초청으로 한국 아카데미 앙상블과 Mozart 협주곡으로 대만 순회 연주, 미국 North Carolina의 Highlands-Cashiers Chamber Music Festival에서 초청을 받아 세계적인 기타 연주자 Eliot Fisk와 연주하였고 Mozart Complete Conceros 시리즈에서 협주곡 1번과 ‘Andante’ 연주, 모차르트홀 초청 모차르트 플루트 사중주 전곡 연주, 바흐 플루트 소나타 전곡 연주회, 서울시 주최 서울 스프링페스티벌에서 연주, 중국 베이징에서 서울 스프링 베스티벌 일원으로 베이징 올림픽 개최 기념 연주, 구미 국제 음악제 그리고 일본 오사카에서 C.P.E. Bach 협주곡 연주, 스페인 마드리드와 테네리페 연주, 중국 베이징과 후안에서 조인트 리사이틀, 그리고 프랑스 Music Alp Festival과 필리핀, 뉴질랜드 등에서 연주회를 가졌다. 그녀는 단국대 교수를 역임했으며 현재 단국대학교 명예교수로 있다.


플루트/피콜로 지오바니 간돌포

플루트/피콜로 지오바니 간돌프 플루트/피콜로 지오바니 간돌프 (Giovanni Gandolfo) Co-Principal Flutist of the Frankfurter Opern- und Museumsorchester 독일 프랑크푸르트 뮤지움 오케스트라 플루트 단원 역임 Principal piccolo at the Frankfurter Opern- und Museumsorchester 독일 프랑크푸르트 뮤지움 오케스트라 피콜로 수석                       https://www.instagram.com/giovannigandolfo.piccoloflute                                                                                                                Giovanni Gandolfo was born in 1978 in Enna, Italy.                      After having studied the flute at the Istituto Musicale “V.Bellini”, Caltanissetta-Italy, he continued his studies at the École Nationale de Musique “Marcel Dupré” Meudon (Paris) in the class of François Veilhan, where he received the “Prix de Perfectionnement avec Mention Tres Bien” both for the Flute and for the Chamber Music . Since 2018 he is the Co-Principal Flutist of the Oper Frankfurt Orchestra and since January 2019 he switched to the Piccolo Solo position of the same Orchestra. In his career as orchestra flutist and piccolo flutist Giovanni Gandolfo has performed with the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi, the Orchestra Haydn di Trento e Bolzano, the  Orchestra and the Filarmonica del Teatro alla Scala (Milano), the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia (Rome), the NDR-Elbphilharmonie-Orchester (Hamburg), the WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln, the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden, the Bamberger Symphoniker, the Orchestre National de France (Paris), the Opera di Roma, the Cyprus State Symphony Orchestra, and has been invited as Piccolo Solo at the Bayreuth Festival. He has worked together with distinguished musicians as Claudio Abbado, Thomas Ades,Daniel Barenboim, Pierre Boulez, Andrey Boreyko, Semyon Bychkov, James Conlon, Ottavio Dantone, Gustavo Dudamel, Christoph Eschenbach, Daniele Gatti, Edward Gardner, Valery Gergiev, Alan Gilbert, Daniel Harding, Thomas Hengelbrock, Manfred Honeck, Gustav Kuhn, Alain Lombard, Fabio Luisi, Zubin Mehta, Gianandrea Noseda, Antonio Pappano, Kirill Petrenko, Georges Prêtre, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Yuri Temirkanov, Christian Thielemann, Michael Tilson Thomas, Myung Whun Chung and Alberto Zedda. He has participated at the DVD recording of Bruckner’s 1st Symphony and Wagner’s Die Walkure with the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden under Christian Thielemann. He has performed in various recordings for the TV and radio with the Orchestra e Filarmonica di Teatro alla Scala, Milano and at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Rome. He is regularly invited worldwide to give Masterclasses. He is Bulgheroni Piccolos Artist.   지오바니 간돌프 유튜브 채널


오보에 요하네스 그로소

오보에 요하네스 그로소 오보에 요하네스 그로소 (Johannes Grosso) Principle  Frankfurter Opern- und Museumsorchester 독일 프랑크푸르트 뮤지움 오케스트라 수석 Professor at the Norwegian Academy of Music 노르웨이 오슬로 음악원 교수 https://www.instagram.com/johannesgrosso Johannes Grosso has been a solo oboist with the Frankfurt Opern-und Museumsorchester since 2015, after spending four years as deputy solo oboist with the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio-France. He also plays with the Budapest Festival Orchestra. Johannes Grosso won 1st Prize at the Prague Spring in May 2014, and various other prizes at a number of international competitions. This success enabled him to appear as a soloist with famous conductors including Christoph von Dohnányi and Daniele Gatti, and orchestras including the Czech Radio Orchestra, Prague Chamber Orchestra, the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Orchestra and New Bach Collegium. He appears regularly with great European orchestras such as the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, the Gewandhaus Orchester Leipzig, hr(Hessen Radio)-Sinfonieorchester, Bamberg Symphony and the Bayerische Staatsorchester. He was invited to play with the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra in the summer of 2017. He holds regular masterclasses and teaches at various music academies. He became a professor at the Norwegian Music Academy in Oslo in 2018. 요하네스 그로소 유튜브 채널


오보에 고민식

오보에 고민식 오보에 고민식 (Min-sik Ko) Graduated from Chung-Ang University 중앙대 졸업 Graduated from Hochschule für Musik Saar 독일 자르뷔리켄 국립 음대 졸업 Lecture of Chung-Ang University 중앙대 음악대학 출강 목가적인 음색과 섬세한 선율로 오보에의 매력을 선사해오고 있는 오보이스트 고민식은 중앙대학교 음악대학 졸업 후 독일 자뷔리켄 국립음대(hochschule für musik saar) Konzrtreife 과정을 졸업했다. 대학시절 중앙대학교 Orchestra 및 Wind Orchestra와의 협연을 통해 탁월한 음악적 실력을 인정받았으며, 독일로 유학 후 Homburg chamber Orchestra 단원으로 활동한 것을 비롯해 Grossregion Orchestra 단원으로 독일, 프랑스, 벨기에, 룩셈부르크 등 4개국 순회연주를 가져온 그는 독일 Speyer 초청 연주 등 다양한 무대경험을 통해 자신만의 개성있는 음악세계를 구축해왔다. 국내외에서 함일규, 김형섭, 이정주, Armin Aussem, Stephane Egeling 교수를 사사하였으며, 현재 의왕시오케스트라 수석단원 및 앙상블 루 멤버 인천예술고등학교 중앙대학교 출강 하고 있습니다  


오보에 앨리슨 티알레

오보에 앨리슨 티알레 오보에 앨리슨 티알레 (Alison Teale) Principle Oboist of BBC Symphony Orchestra, UK 영국 BBC 심포니 오케스트라 수석 Principle Oboist of Academy of St Martin in the Fields, UK 영국 세인트 마틴 인 더 필드 관현악단 수석 Professor of Guildhall school of music and drama, UK 영국 길드홀 음악 학교 교수                        https://www.alisonteale.com/                                                                                                                                   Alison Teale is a former student of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, having studied oboe with Nicholas Daniel and Helena Gaunt, and Cor Anglais with Jane Marshall.                                            Graduating with a BMus(Hons) 1st class degree at 22, she immediately took the position of Co-Principal Oboe with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. During her time there she won the highly acclaimed International Isle of Wight Oboe Competition (now the Isle of Man competition) and gave her London solo debut at the Purcell Room.                                           On her return to the UK, she became Principal Cor Anglais with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, moving to the same position a few years later with the BBC Symphony Orchestra, which she now considers her “home”.                                             Alison’s other passion is education, taking up the role of Oboe Professor at Guildhall School of Music & Drama in 2010. Her interest in student education led her to complete a PG Cert in Performance Teaching, and she was awarded a Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy as a recognition of her teaching excellence.                                             She travels the world in her orchestral position and acts as ambassador for Lorée, giving masterclasses and recitals, her latest visits being to Malaga, Florida in which she opened the concert for the International Double Reed Conference in 2019, and to China.                                             She is also in demand as guest player for many of the other leading orchestras.                                             Alison can be heard in numerous orchestral concert recordings, on both cor and oboe, motion picture soundtracks and makes regular TV appearances within the BBC Symphony Orchestra.                                             She is no stranger to BBC Radio 3, taking part in pre-concert debates, presenting an episode of Inside Music in August 2019. She also recorded at home during lockdown The Garden of Love by Jacob TV, as an oboe solo, which was aired on the New Music programme, and is currently available to view on the BBC Symphony Orchestra website.

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