
현악, 바이올린

바이올린 윌리엄 해이컴

바이올린 윌리엄 해이컴 바이올린 윌리엄 해이컴 (William Hakim) Faculty of Seton Hall University and Skidmore College, USA 미국 세튼 홀 대학과 스키드모어 대학 출강 A member of the Iris Orchestra in Memphis and the le Poisson Rouge Ensemble, USA 미국 아이리스 오케스트라와 르 푸아송 루즈 앙상블 멤버 Principal of the New York Symphonic Ensemble and the Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra, USA 뉴욕 심포니 앙상블과 근렌 폴스 심포니의 수석 William Hakim, violist, has performed extensively throughout the United States and abroad. Praised for his “warmth of tone and musicality” (Leipziger Volkszeitung), he enjoys playing, writing and arranging music in many styles. He has recorded for Albany Records, Decca, and Nonesuch for various artists including Renee Fleming, served as Billy Joel’s violist for his Madison Square Garden residency, had numerous TV appearances with Josh Groban, toured the country with Branford Marsalis and the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia. Mr Hakim is a member of the Iris Orchestra in Memphis and the le Poisson Rouge Ensemble as well as serving as principal of the New York Symphonic Ensemble and the Glens Falls Symphony. A former member of the Hyperion String Quartet, he studied with John Graham at the Eastman School of Music, Samuel Rhodes at Juilliard, and with Paul Neubauer at the Graduate Center of CUNY where he is pursuing a doctorate and researching improvisation methods for classically trained musicians. Mr. Hakim served on the faculty at Brevard Music Center and is on the faculty of Seton Hall University and Skidmore College. 윌리엄 해이컴 유튜브 채널

현악, 바이올린

바이올린 에디슨 텡

바이올린 에디슨 탱 바이올린 에디슨 탱 (Addison Teng) Faculty of DePaul University School of Music and Music Institute of Chicago, USA 미국 시카고 드폴대 음악대학 출강 Director of the Fulton Summer Music Academy Fulton Summer Music Academy 이사   Violinist Addison Teng is a sought-after performer and teacher. He has given solo and chamber music performances across North America, Europe, and Asia and has performed as soloist with the Oberlin College Orchestra, Eastman String Fellowship Orchestra, Sinfonia Academy Orchestra in the Philippines, the University of Macedonia Symphony Orchestra, and Symphony Irvine. He is the recipient of the 2018 Outstanding Young Alumni Award at Oberlin College and Conservatory, which recognizes young alumni who have distinguished themselves in their professional careers and their service to humanity. He has also been named a Distinguished Alumnus of the Meadowmount School of Music. A rising pedagogue of his generation, Teng is currently on the faculty of DePaul University School of Music and Music Institute of Chicago, and was previously on faculty at the Montecito International Music Festival. He is president and founder of the nonprofit Fulton Music Society and is the director of the Fulton Summer Music Academy and the Fulton In Residence touring program. Previously he served as teaching assistant at the Meadowmount School of Music and Northwestern University Bienen School of Music, assisting Sally Thomas, Amy Barlowe, and Roland and Almita Vamos. He has given masterclasses and coachings at Lawrence University, Eastman Pre-College, Istituto Musicale Sammarinese in San Marino, Conservatorio Bruno Maderna in Cesena, Italy, Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “Pietro Mascagni” in Livorno, Italy, Taipei American School, and Conservatório Villa-Lobos in Rio de Janeiro. Prior to founding Fulton, he took students on tours to the Philippines, Greece, Italy, and San Marino, where he gave masterclasses and performed with his students. Teng’s students have recently placed at competitions both locally and nationally, including DePaul Concerto Competition, Hellam Young Artists Competition, Denver Young Artists National Violin Competition, Indianapolis Matinee Musicale Competition, Walgreens National Competition, Indiana School of Music Concerto Competition, Charleston International Music Competition, Confucius Music Festival Competition, and Sejong Music Competition. Many of his students have been admitted to top universities and conservatories, including Oberlin Conservatory, Juilliard School of Music, New England Conservatory, Indiana University, Northwestern University, Manhattan School of Music, Mannes New School of Music, and Berklee College of Music, and have been awarded Fulbright and Wells scholarships. His students have gone on to win jobs at the Lyric Opera of Chicago Orchestra, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Grant Park Orchestra, Peninsula Music Festival, Evansville Philharmonic, Louisville Philharmonic, and Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra. Teng’s students have soloed with the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra, Springfield Symphony, Denver Young Artist Orchestra, and Montecito Festival Orchestra, and have been guest concertmaster of Fort Wayne Symphony. In 2015, the Addison C. Teng Merit Scholarship was established at the Music Institute of Chicago for his studio. Teng graduated with a Master of Music in Violin Performance and String Pedagogy from Northwestern University Bienen School of Music and received his Bachelor of Music in Violin Performance from Oberlin Conservatory of Music. His principal teachers and mentors have included Joey Corpus, Sally Thomas, Roland and Almita Vamos, Peter Takács, Amy Barlowe, and Karen Ritscher.

현악, 바이올린

바이올린 샐러리나 박

바이올린 샐러리나 박 바이올린 샐러리나 박 (Cellerina Park) BostonSub-leader of the BBC Symphony Orchestra, UK BostonBBC 심포니 오케스트라 부악장   EDUCATION: Master Diploma 2012 Hochschule für Musik “Hanns Eisler” Berlin Diploma 2009 Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” Leipzig Pre-Diploma 2005 Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln Details: 2009-2012 HfM “Hanns Eisler” Berlin – with Prof. Kolja Blacher KW and Master Studies 2006-2009 HfMT Leipzig– with Prof. Mariana Sirbu 2002-2005 HfMT Köln- with Prof. Mihaela Martin 2000-2002 Seoul Arts High school 1997-2000 Seoul Yewon Arts school WORK EXPERIENCE: CURRENT AND PREVIOUS PERMANENT POSTIONS: • Sub-leader in BBC Symphony Orchestra, London Since 2020 • Associate Concertmaster at Norrlandsoperans Symphony Orchestra, Sweden from 2016 – Sep.2018 • Leader of 2nd violin at Stockholm Royal Opera – From March 2018 • Tutti 1st violin in Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Norway – from 2013 to 2016 • 2nd Concertmaster in Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra –from 2012 to 2013 • Tutti 1st Violin in Philharmonia London Since 2014 GUESTPLAY AND SUBSTITUTE PLAYER AT: • Leader and soloist of Camerata Nordica 2017, 2018 • Leader at Sinfonietta Dalarna, Sweden 2019, 2020 • 1st Violin Section of Lucern Festival Orchestra 2018 • Co- Leader of 2nd Violin, Gstaad Festival Orchestra in 2016 CONCERTS AND FESTIVALS • Guest muisician Soloist Academy 2020 • Soloist in Camerata Nordica 2018 • Vivaldi e-minor violin Concerto with Collegium in Bergen 2016 • Vivaldi `summer of four season`with Göteborg Symfoniker 2013 • Solo Recitals in Mendelssohn Haus Leipzig, Rom, Malaga, Sardinia 2007 • Mendelssohn violin Conerto with MDR Leipzig • Oleg Kagan Musik Fest in Kreuth 2011 • Schleswig-Holstein festival, Pablo Casals Festival • Chambermusic Concert in Konzerthaus Berlin and US Ambassy Berlin 2008 AWARDS • 1st Prize at Hochschule Ensemble Conpetition Leipzig 2008 • 3rd Prize at international Lions Musik Preis 2008 • Grand Prix at 3rd Forum International de Alto Perfeccionamiento musical del sur de Europa 2007 • 3rd Prize at Kukmin national Competition, Seoul 1999 • 1st Prize at Music journal Competition, Seoul 1993 MASTERCLASSES • With Ruggiero Ricci, Zakhar Bron, Ivry Gitlis 샐러리나 박 유튜브 채널

현악, 바이올린

바이올린 벤자민 모리슨

바이올린 벤자민 모리슨 바이올린 벤자민 모리슨 (Benjamin Morrison) Member of the Wiener Staatsoper Orchestra, Austria 오스트리아 비엔나 국립 오페라 하우스 오케스트라 단원 Member of the Wiener Philharmoniker, Austria 오스트리아 비엔나 필하모닉 오케스트라 단원   Benjamin Morrison was born in Christchurch, New Zealand, and began learning the violin from his Father, David Morrison and Stephen Larsen. He made his solo debut with orchestra at ten years old, and his first solo album at 15. he toured the South Pacific, America and Asia before beginning studies with the New Zealand Symphony’s concertmaster, Vesa-Matti Leppanen. He won every major competition in his homeland before moving to Austria in 2007 to study with Yair Kless at the Kunst University in Graz. Benjamin graduated with a Masters in Performance and chamber music in 2012. He has been a prize winner in International Competitions such as the Michael Hill Competition and the International Brahms Competition. His Quartet, the Nicolai Quartet, has performed in many countries and in 2019 won the Pasticcio-Preis for their all Beethoven album. Since 2014, Benjamin is a member of the Vienna State Opera, and since 2017 a member of the Vienna Philharmonic.  Benjamin is also passionate about educating further generations of musicians, giving masterclasses in Southeast asia, Europe and New Zealand. He has two main instruments, one made by his father and a Joseph Gagliano made in 1770. 벤자민 모리슨 유튜브 채널

현악, 바이올린

바이올린 강민정

바이올린 강민정 바이올린 강민정 (Min-Jung Kang) Visiting professor at Hyupsung University 협성대학교 객원교수 Lecture of Kyewon Arts Middle School 계원예고 출강 Member of the Cross Chamber Orchestra 크로스 챔버 오케스트라 단원                                       다채로운 색채와 풍부한 음악적 표현을 지닌 바이올리니스트 강민정은 서울예고를 거쳐 연세대학교 음악대학 기악과를 4년간 실기우수장학생으로 졸업한 후 독일 함부르크 국립음대에서 석사과정을, 드레스덴 국립음대에서 최고연주자과정을 심사위원 만장일치 만점(mit Auszeichnung)으로 졸업하였다. 또한 드레스덴 국립음대 Prof. Igor Malinovsky의 Teaching Assistant를 역임하였다.국내에서는 양승돈, 윤경희, 박재홍교수와 국외에서는 Andreas Roehn, Igor Malinovsky교수를 사사하였고 드레스덴 국립음대 Prof. Igor Malinovsky의 Teaching Assistant를 역임하였다.                                         일찍이 뛰어난 음악적 재능을 선보인 그녀는 세종음악콩쿠르 2위 및 포네클래식 음악콩쿠르 대상, 동양일보 음악콩쿠르 대상, 충북음협콩쿠르 대상을 수상하였으며, 연세대학교 재학 시 음악대학 창립50주년 기념음악축제 정기연주회에서 악장으로 활동하였고, 독일 함부르크 음대 오케스트라에서도 악장으로 선정되어 함께한 연주가 독일 ZDF 방송을 통해 방영되는 등 다양한 무대에서 자신의 음악적 역량을 발휘하였다.  또한 독일 장학재단 Oscar und Vera Ritter-Stiftung으로부터 장학생으로 선발되어 2년간 장학금을 수여받았다.                                        Courchevel Music Alp Festival, International Koenigin Sophie Charlotte Meisterkurs, International Music Master Class Benidorm, Ehinger Musiksommer Meisterkurs 등 수많은 마스터 클래스에 참가하여 실내악과 독주자로서의 풍부한 경험과 역량을 키웠으며, International Mendelssohn Summer School 교수음악회에 초청되어 유명교수진들과 실내악을 함께 연주하며 다채로운 레퍼토리를 쌓았다.이 밖에도 독일 Hamburg Laeiszhalle, Hamburg Berenberg-Gossler-Haus, Dresden Weber Museum, Gailingen Festsaal “Hohentwiel” 에 초청되어 독주회를 열었으며, 국내에서는 서울 예술의전당 콘서트홀에서 뉴서울필하모닉오케스트라, IBK 챔버홀에서 필하모니안즈 서울, 청주시립교향악단, 연세심포니오케스트라와 협연하였다.                                       그녀는 Zubin Mehta와 Lorin Mazzel이 음악감독인 Palau de Arts Reina Sofia Valencia 오케스트라의 객원단원과 현대음악 단체 Wettiner Quartet 주자로 활동하였고 충북도립교향악단, 웨스턴심포니오케스트라, 밀알페스티벌오케스트라, 헤이리심포니오케스트라의 객원수석을 역임하였다.                                        숙명여대 강사를 역임한 그녀는 현재 협성대학교 객원교수 및 계원예고에 출강하며 후학 양성에 힘쓰고 있고 현대음악전문앙상블 앙상블 아인스의 제 1바이올린 리더, 에이블뮤직그룹 강사, 안음앙상블 단원, Cross Chamber Orchestra 단원으로 왕성한 활동을 하고 있다. 강민정 유튜브 채널

현악, 바이올린

바이올린 김진희

바이올린 김진희 바이올린 김진희 Adjunct professor of California Baptist University, USA 미국 캘리포니아 침례 대학 부교수   Violinist JinHee Kim is an accomplished violinist known for artistic innovation and recognized for her “sensitive voicing” by the German Newspaper Leipziger Volkszeitung. A laureate of many international and national competitions, her diverse performance career includes chamber, duo, solo, and professional orchestra performances in such prestigious venues as Carnegie Hall in New York, Symphony Hall in Boston, and Sejong Center for the Performing Arts in Seoul, Korea. She also has performed at regional and international master classes of renowned solo and chamber musicians, at music festivals, and as a soloist with many local orchestras including the Cincinnati Metropolitan Orchestra. As a multi-faceted performer, she is always seeking new opportunities to grow. As an avid chamber musician, JinHee has performed in the United States, Canada, Korea, and Europe. She is a founding member of the Duo Hessed, the Duo mit Affekt, the Trio Eca, and the EBA piano trio. Trio ECA appeared in the “Arte Showcase” on Arte TV and in “Music and People” of FEBC Radio in Seoul. EBA Trio appeared on CBS TV and Earl TV in Toronto, Canada. Since 2013, JinHee has worked toward performing the complete Beethoven Violin Sonatas, the first cycle of which was recorded for the online broadcast of the Phoenix Ensemble Festival in Ann Arbor, MI. JinHee’s innovative approach to performance blossomed in 1992 when she sustained an injury to her left hand. This inspired her to develop groundbreaking performance methods using multi-media. She created unique performances called El Bara Art (Hebrew for “God creates”), which includes “The Creation of the World”, “The Wanderer”, and “Return”, complex multi-media pieces encompassing violin performance, recorded narrations, acting, sound effects, mime, and collage art. As a pioneer of multi-media performance, starting in 1995, she continues perform at churches in the Unites States and Korea. Prizes awarded to JinHee include the First and the Silver medal prizes at the International Chamber Music Ensemble Competition in New York, the Most Distinguished Musicians Award and Brahms Award at the IBLA International Competition in Italy, the prestigious Tourjée Alumni Award at the New England Conservatory in Boston where her name remains today on the Tourjée Alumni Award plaque, and other scholarships and prizes as well. JinHee began her study of the violin at age six. She was trained at the Yewon School and at Seoul Arts High School. During her first year at high school, she journeyed to the U. S. to study at the Walnut Hill School for the Arts in Natick, MA, and earned scholarships from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, MA, where she received her Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, and Graduate Diploma degrees. JinHee earned her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Boston University in May 2010.

현악, 바이올린

바이올린 고진영

바이올린 고진영 바이올린 고진영 ● 예원학교, 서울예고, 서울대 음대 졸업, Eastman 음대 석사취득, Rutgers 뉴저지 주립대학 박사(D.M.A)취득 ● 이화경향, 조선일보,선화 콩쿠르 1위, Eastman과 Rutgers concerto competition 1위 ● Greece Symphony, NVCC Annandale Symphony, 서울 시향, 프라임필하모닉 오케스트라등과 협연 ● KBS 클래식 오딧세이, KBS FM 음악실 초대석 출연, 2008 한국 문화예술 위원회 신진예술가로 선정 ● 현 단국대, 예원학교, 서울예고 출강. Soliall 오케스트라 악장, Bellus Quartet리더 바이올리니스트 고진영은 예원학교, 서울예고를 거쳐 서울대학교에서 학사학위를 취득(’99) 후 도미하여 The Eastman School of Music 에서 석사(M.M.)를(’01), Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey 에서 박사학위(D.M.A.)를 취득(’06)하였다. 유학시절 그녀는 Graduate Award 와 Graduate Fellowship을 획득하여 이스트만 음대와 럿거스 대학을 최우수 장학생으로 공부하였다.  고진영은 국내에서는 선화예고 콩쿨 2위(’86), 조선일보 콩쿨 1위(’87), 서울시향 협연자 오디션 수상, 이화/경향 콩쿨 1위(’91), 서울예고 실내악 콩쿨 1위(’93)를 석권했고, 해외에서는 Eastman Concerto Competition 1위(’99), Rutgers Concerto competition 1위(’03) 를 수상한 바 있다. 지금까지 그녀는 서울시향(’90), 서울 심포니 (’92), The NVCC-Annandale Symphony Orchestra (’96,’05), 서울대학교 오케스트라(’98), Eastman Symphony Orchestra (’99), Greece Symphony Orchestra (’01), Rutgers Symphony Orchestra (’04), Camerata Seoul Ensemble(’07) 등 다수의 교향악단과 협연한 바 있으며 학부 재학시절에는 주네스 앙상블 (Jeunesses Musicales World Orchestra)의 한국 대표 단원으로 유럽과 아시아 각국의 순회연주를 가졌고 이스트만 재학 시절Heidelberg Castle Festival의오케스트라 단원으로 선정되어 순회연주하였으며 석사 학위 이후 필라델피아 쳄버 오케스트라에 입단하여 The Kimmel Center를 무대로 여러 저명한 연주자와 지휘자들과 함께 연주하였다. 그녀는 실내악 분야에서도 두각을 나타내어 이스트만 재학시절Eastman Chamber Music Society 의 멤버로 선정되어 여러 차례 공연과 Outreach Program 에 참여한 바 있으며Graduate Chamber Music Honors Concert에서 연주하는 영예를 가졌고 럿거스 재학 시절에는 Faculty Chamber Recital Series에 초청되어 교수들과 함께 두 차례 연주하였고 또한 뉴저지 주지사의 초청으로 학교를 대표하여 연주하기도 하였다. 또한 정격연주 분야에서도 활발한 활동을 하여Rutgers Baroque Ensemble의 멤버로American Bach Society Conference(’04)에 참여하여 두 차례 연주하였고  Musica Raritana Baroque Orchestra(’05)의 멤버로도 활동한 바 있다. 그녀는 짤쯔브르그 페스티발(’95)과 The Quartet Program(’01) 에 참가하여 실내악과 솔로 연주를 하였고 1996년에는 미국 Steinway Hall 에서 연주, 2003년, 2005년과 2006년에는의 초청으로 쳄버 리사이틀과 2차례 독주회를 가졌다. 2006년에는 귀국 독주회를 서울 예술의 전당에서 개최하였고 KBS 클래식 오딧세이에 출연하였다. 국내에서는 현해은, 김의명, 김남윤 교수를 사사했고 해외에서는 Charles Castleman , 과르네리 퀄텟 제 1 주자인 Arnold Steinhardt 를 사사하였고 현재   JK 쳄버 앙상블 단원, oasis 퀄텟 리더, 단국대학교에 출강 하고 있다. 고진영 유튜브 채널 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

현악, 바이올린

바이올린 한수연

바이올린 한수연 바이올린 한수연 (Suyoun Han) Master’s degree of the Yale University, USA 미국 예일대 음악 대학 석사학위 취득 Adjunct professor at Mokwon University, Korea 목원대학교 겸임교수      호소력 있는 소리와 세련된 해석의 연주로 호평 받고 있는 바이올리니스트 한수연은 선화예중·고 를 거쳐 연세대학교 음악대학에 입학하였다.    재학 중 우수한 성적으로 실기우수 장학금을 수여 받았으며 수석으로 학사학위와 석사학위를 마쳤다. 이후 도미하여 미국 예일대학교에서 전액장학생 으로 석사학위(M.M.A)를 취득하였다                                         Aki Syoko, 강동석, 유시연, 이상순을 사사한 그녀는 일찍이 국내 유수의 콩쿠르에서 상위 입상을 하였고 다양한 연주 경험을 통하여 전문 연주자로서의 발판을 다졌다.                                        연세대학교 재학 중에는 연세대학교 오케스트라 협연, 연세신포니에타 실기우수 신입생 협연, 서울스프링페스티벌 프린지 연주 등 주요한 연주들을 통해 독주자의 두각을 나타내었고, 연세대학교 오케스트라 악장으로서 다수의 정기연주회를 이끌며 오케스트라 연주자로서의 뛰어난 면모도 보여주었다. 예일대학교에서 수학하며 오케스트라와 앙상블 연주에도 진심 어린 관심을 가져 뉴헤이븐 챔버 오케스트라 객원수석으로 활약하며 독주자로서의 학업과 더불어 오케스트 라 연주자로의 경력도 쌓아왔다.                                        한편 끊임없는 그녀의 음악적 열정은 Sergei Kravchenko, Stephan Picard, Gerard Poulet, Jan Repko 등 다양한 마스터 클래스에 참가하여 넓고 깊은 음악적 감각과 견문을 넓히는 계기도 마련하였다.                                        현재 바이올리니스트 한수연은 목원대학교 겸임교수로 후학 양성에 힘을 기울이고 있다                               한수연 유튜브 채널

현악, 바이올린

바이올린 황선민

바이올린 황선민 바이올린 황선민 (Sun Min Hwang) 예원학교, 서울예술고등학교 우등졸업서울대학교 우등졸업예일대학교 석사 전액장학생졸업카네기 젠켈홀 연주예일 필하모니아 악장역임City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong 부수석 역임KBS Symphony Orchestra 정단원역임현 예원학교, 서울예술고등학교 출강, 라네스앙상블 부악장 Seoul National University(BM)Yale University(MM, Frances Wickes Full Scholarship)Concertmaster, Yale Philharmonia OrchestraAssistant Principal, City Chamber Orchestra of Hong KongMember, KBS Symphony OrchestraInstructor, Yewon School, Seoul Arts High SchoolAssistant Concertmaster, Lanes Ensemble

현악, 바이올린

바이올린 강민정

바이올린 강민정 바이올린 강민정 (min-jung kang) Concertmaster of the Komische Oper Berlin, Germany 독일 코미셰 오퍼 베를린 악장 Faculty of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover, Germany 독일 하노버 국립 음악대학 출강 Faculty at Dr Hoch’s Konservatorium, Germany 독일 닥터 혹스 콘서바토리움 출강   Violinist MinJung Kang has captivated audiences throughout Asia, North America and Europe in such venues as the Konzerthaus Berlin, Herkulessaal Munich, Schloss Elmau, Kuppelsaal Hanover, Shriver Hall Baltimore, UAM Radio Hall Poznan, Noga Theater Tel Aviv, National Hall Taipei and the Seoul Arts Center. Her artistry has been praised as “first-class performance that was marked by a direct, spontaneous manner, a strong sense of line and a consistently sweet and singing tone” by The Baltimore Sun. Since her debut with the Seoul Youth Philharmonic at the age of nine, Ms.Kang has appeared with the München Bayerischer Rundfunk Symphony, München Chamber, Kammerakademie Potsdam, Jeunesse Musicale World, Amadeus Radio Chamber, Taipei Symphony, KBS Symphony and Seoul Philharmonic, among others. She is frequently featured in television in South Korea; her live, radio and CD recordings have been broadcast worldwide. She has also garnered many first and top prizes including ARD (including the Audience Prize), Taipei (including Modern Piece Performance Prize), Postacchini, Dong-A and Concert Artists Guild. Ms. Kang is the recipient of the Sydney Friedberg Prize and the Wun-Pa Music Prize as the Instrumentalist of the Year. Alongside her solo work, Ms. Kang performs at various chamber music festivals and has collaborated with first chairs of the Berlin Philharmonic, Peabody Trio, and Tokyo String Quartet. Born in Seoul, Ms. Kang studied with Nam-Yun Kim and Ik-Hwan Bae in South Korea, Victor Danchenko in the USA, Herman Krebbers in Holland, and Ana Chumachenco and Krzysztof Wegrzyn in Germany. She has held the position as a concertmaster of the Komische Oper Berlin and currently is on the faculty of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover, Germany.  With Cellist Uwe HirthSchmidt, she is the founding member of the Morpheus -Duo, -Trio and -Quartet and plays as the leader of the Berlin Mozart Quartet. Also a member of the Salzburg Soloists, she is in high demand as chamber music partner and performs more than 80 concerts annually in addition to her solo activities.

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