첼로 박건우
첼로 박건우 첼로 박건우 (Gunwoo Park) Graduated from Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, Germany 독일 칼스루에 국립 음악대학 최고연주자 과정 최고점 졸업 Win a prize of Prague Spring International Music Competition 체코 프라하의 봄 국제 음악 콩쿠르 입상
첼로 송인정 첼로 송인정( In Jung Song) 경력사항 보스턴대학 대학원 음악예술학 박사 뉴잉글랜드음악원 대학원 기악 석사 서울대학교 기악과 학사 서울예술고등학교 예원학교 경력사항 그룹 ‘벨루스 콰르텟’ 멤버 그룹 ‘서울솔리스트 첼로앙상블’ 멤버 카네기홀 뉴욕 데뷔 독주회에서 ‘풍부하고 울림있는 소리, 설득력있는 프레이징을 표현하는 연주자’로 호평받은 첼리스트 송인정은 12세에 오디션 우승으로 서울시립교향악단과 협연하며 공식무대에 데뷔하였다. 예원학교와 서울예고를 거쳐 서울대학교를 졸업한 후 도미, New England Conservatory에서 거장 Laurence Lesser의 문하에서 NEC Music scholarship을 받으며 석사학위를 취득하였다. Boston University에서는 College of Fine Arts Music scholarship의 수혜자로 과르네리 콰르텟의 David Soyer에게 첼로를 사사받았고 민족음악학자인 Brita Heimarck 교수의 지도하에 윤이상의 첼로 솔로곡인 Glissées를 심도있게 분석한 ‘In-depth study of Isang Yun’s Glissées’란 논문으로 박사학위(DMA)를 취득하면서 학문적 깊이 또한 인정받았다. 그녀는 일찍이 경향이화콩쿨 입상을 시작으로 조선일보콩쿨 금상, 서울 청소년 실내악콩쿨 대상, 중앙음악콩쿨 입상, 서울심포니콩쿨 1등, 알링턴 필하모닉 소사이어티 콩쿨 특별상, 아티스트 인터내셔널 뉴욕데뷔 오디션 우승, 노스캐롤라이나 뮤직아카데미 콩쿨 1등을 하며 실력을 입증받았다. 독주자로서 New York Artist International Winners Series 카네기홀 독주회, Boston King’s Chapel, Newton Library, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Chicago Parisian Salon Concert 등의 리사이틀 시리즈에서 초청 독주회를 가졌고 예원학교 연주회와 서울예고 연주회의 협연자로 선발되었으며 서울시향, 수원시향, 서울심포니, 코리안 심포니, 마드리 실내악단, 고려대학교 오케스트라, 부천시향 밀레니엄 앙상블과 협연하였다. 그외에도 한일 친선 교류음악회, 젊은이의 음악제, 송년음악회, KBS 교육방송 연주, 부천시청 연주 등 수차례의 연주회를 가진 바 있다. 보스턴 시빅 오케스트라의 첼로수석, 브락턴 심포니의 단원, 보스턴대학교 오케스트라의 첼로수석으로 활동하면서 보스턴 심포니홀, 조던홀, 탱글우드 오자와홀 등에서 수차례 연주를 했으며 아스펜, 밴프, 옐로우반, 월드 첼로 콩그레스, 플랜, 시옹, 뉴욕 베토벤 인스티튜트 등의 페스티발과 마스터클래스에서 연주회를 가졌다. 2008년 귀국과 함께 금호아트홀에서 가진 귀국독주회는 FM 93.1의 ‘KBS 음악실 초대석’에서도 소개되었으며 예술의 전당 여름실내악 축제, 서울 클래시컬 플레이어즈, 뉴잉글랜드 콘서바토리 첼로 앙상블, 이원문화센터 한국의 창작곡 대기획 시리즈 연주 등을 통해 다양한 앙상블을 선보이며 활발히 활동하고 있다. 그와 더불어 서울 아산병원의 선천성 심장병 환자를 위한 갈라 콘서트에 참여하기도 하며 다양한 관객을 만나고 있다. 그녀는 현재 서울 클래시컬 플레이어즈의 수석단원을 비롯하여 서울대, 단국대, 예원, 선화예중, 서울예고, 계원예고에서 후학을 가르치고 있다. [출처] 송인정의 첼로 에세이 Colorful (첼로 마을) | 작성자 카페모카 송인정 유튜브 채널
첼로 주윤아 첼로 주윤아 (JUYUNA) – 계원예술고등학교 실기 수석 입학, 졸업 – 한양대학교 음악대학 관현악과 수석 졸업 – 독일 프라이부르크 국립음대 석사 및 전문연주자과정 졸업 – 독일 데트몰트 국립음대 실내악 석사 최고점 졸업 – 수원 청소년 음악 콩쿠르 1위, 서울 중구신문사 콩쿠르, 협성대학교 콩쿠르 2위 – 계원예술고등학교, 한양대학교 오케스트라 협연 및 상하이 음악원 초청 연주 – 독일 Bamberger Symphoniker 장학생 단원 역임 – 독일 Detmold Chamber Orchestra 객원수석 역임 현) 앙상블아인스, 과천시립교향악단, 크로스챔버 오케스트라 단원, 에이블아트센터 출강 주윤아 유튜브 채널
더블베이스 베네딕트 치어포겔 더블베이스 베네딕트 치어포겔 (Benedict Ziervogel) https://www.ensembleresonanz.com/en/ensemble-resonanz/benedict-ziervogel Born in Vienna, Benedict Ziervogel took his first double bass lessons at age 16 at the conservatory in Kärnten, Austria. After highschool, he fully enrolled there, studying double bass, composition and conducting. He then pursued studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz (studying double bass with Johannes Auersperg and Violone/Viola da gamba with Lorenz Duftschmid) as well as at the Zurich University of the Arts with Prof. Duncan McTier (double bass). After graduating with distiction, he held positions at the Vienna Volksoper, the Tonkünstler-Orchester Niederösterreich, and was principal double bass player in the Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa/Japan and the Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn. He was professor at the Mahler Academy in Bolzano/Bozen and the International Summer Academy Feldkirchen, and taught masterclasses in Europe, Asia and South America, focussing mainly on the “Viennese Bass” and the repertoire of the First Viennese School. Since 2012, he has been teaching double bass at the Prayner Conservatory for Music and Dramatic Arts in Vienna. Benedict Ziervogel is a sought-after chamber musician in and outside of Germany, mainly concentrating on the historically informed performance of the First Viennese School. He also specialises in contemporary music and has composed and premiered several commissioned works. 베네딕트 치어포겔 유튜브 채널
앙상블 인 레지던스 아론 스트링 콰르텟 앙상블 인 레지던스 아론 스트링 콰르텟 (Aron String Quartet) Quartet in Residence, EONmusic Founded in 1998 by Ludwig Müller, with Barna Kobori, Georg Hamann and Christophe Pantillon, four Viennese musicians Founded in 1998 by Ludwig Müller, with Barna Kobori, Georg Hamann and Christophe Pantillon, four Viennese musicians The aron quartett was founded in 1998 by Ludwig Müller, Barna Kobori, Georg Hamann and Christophe Pantillon, four Viennese musicians. Their artistic careers have been profoundly influenced by the members of the Alban Berg quartet along with Ernst Kovacic and Heinrich Schiff. Isaac Stern, Max Rostal, William Primrose, Mischa Maisky, Ralph Kirschbaum and Sándor Végh have also played critical roles in furthering their musical careers. The quartet made its debut in Vienna during the year of its foundation, and was highly acclaimed by press and public alike. Since then, the quartet has developed a wide-ranging repertoire – also in collaboration with Heinz Holliger, Heinrich Schiff and members of the Amadeus, LaSalle and Alban Berg quartets. During the year of its foundation, the aron quartett’s intention not only to tackle classical repertoire but also to devote itself to works by the second Viennese school led to an invitation to organize its own cycle of 18th, 19th and 20th century compositions as the quartet in residence at the Arnold Schoenberg Center in Vienna. The aron quartett has also performed together with artists such as Bruno Canino, Oleg Maisenberg, Philippe Entremont, Elisabeth Leonskaja, Alexei Lubimov, Wenzel Fuchs, Daniel Ottensamer, Sharon Kam, Anna Caterina Antoniacci, Ildikó Raimondi, Soile Isokoski, Adrian Eröd and members of the Alban Berg quartet. In 2002, the aron quartett appeared as guest artists as part of the Alban Berg quartet’s cycle in the Vienna Konzerthaus. A busy concert schedule has so far taken the aron quartett through Europe, the USA, Mexico and Japan and to renowned festivals (Viennese Festival Weeks, international String Quartet Festival in Prague, Biennale di Venezia, Schoenberg Festival, “Klangbogen” Festival, Cervantino Festival, Kuhmo Festival, Stresa Festival, Enescu Festival Berlin, Carinthischer Sommer etc.). In 2001, the aron quartett made its debut at the Carnegie Hall in New York, and in 2002 at London’s Wigmore Hall and the Tchaikovsky Conservatoire in Moscow. In 2004, they made their debut at the Vienna Musikverein, where in 2007 they performed Korngold’s complete string quartets and his piano quintet in a four-part cycle. In 2008, the aron quartett founded the Laudon Castle Chamber Music Festival (www.schlosslaudonfestival.at). The quartet celebrated its 10-year anniversary in November 2008 with a very successful concert at the Vienna Konzerthaus. For 2009, the quartet again had an invitation to perform a Haydn – Martinu cycle in the Vienna Musikverein and a three-part Korngold cycle at the Opéra Bastille in Paris. In 2010 and 2011 the quartet participated in numerous festivals in Finland, Israel, Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia, Romania and Argentina. The aron quartett’s first CD was released in 1999 and consists of works by Schubert, Schoenberg, Mozart and Ullmann. In February 2002, a concert by the aron quartett was broadcast throughout Europe by ORF (Austrian broadcast) for the EBU. Other CD recordings include string quartets by Franz Schubert (“Rosamunde” and “Death and the Maiden”, Preiser Records 90549) and a CD box with Arnold Schoenberg’s complete works for string quartet (Preiser Records 90572) for which the aron quartett received the Pasticcio Prize. The international press acclaimed this CD as one of the best recordings of 20th century chamber music. The outstanding interpretation and technical excellence of these recordings not only demonstrate the aron quartett’s exceptional competence but also set new standards. Cascavelle has released the piano quintets by Dvorak and Frank in a recording with Philippe Entremont. For the German label cpo the quartet has recorded the complete string quartets by Erich Wolfgang Korngold as well as the piano quintet with Henri Sigfridsson and in March 2010 the CD (“Paris-Vienne-Moscou 1910 – 2010”) has been released bv Preiser Records. In 2013 cpo published a second CD with works by Korngold (string sextet with Th. Selditz and M. Diaz & Suite op. 23 with H. Sigfridsson) and in 2014 the Kammermusikfestival Schloss Laudon released a recording with works by Schubert, Eisler, Shostakovitch and Horovitz. Another production with cpo label appeared in 2016: The piano quintets by M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco with the pianist Massimo Giuseppe Bianchi. 2019 Bruno Walter‘s String Quartet and Piano Quintet (M. G. Bianchi) will be released by cpo. 아론 스트링 콰르텟 유튜브 채널
앙상블 인 레지던스 콘골드 앙상블 빈 앙상블 인 레지던스 콘골드 앙상블 빈 (Korngold Ensemble) Founded in2019 by 5 renowned artists in Vienna Main emphasis in 20th centuries repertoire Violin 1 : Ludwig MuellerViolin 2 : Tiffany Pei Hsuan WuViola : Cynthia Liao ZottlCello : Jonas KreciPiano : Catalina Butcaru After 2 successful concerts at the Arnold Schönberg Center Vienna, the Korngold Ensemble Wien has been invited in the 2021-22 season to perform at prestigious chamber music festivals such as Burghof Chamber Music Festival Klagenfurt, Austria, The Muth in Vienna, and The Spring Festival in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Korngold Ensemble Wien was founded in 2019 by five renowned musicans who had already gained success in various chamber music groups. The intention of the ensemble, next to standard repertoire, is to perform less-frequently heard pieces for various formations. Our main emphasis is the especially rich musical oevre of the 20th century. 콘골드 앙상블 유튜브 채널