

피아노 신미정

피아노 신미정 피아노 신미정 (Clara Shin) Faculty an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Austria 오스트리아 빈 국립 음악대학 외래 교수 Member of the Piano duo “ShinPark” 피아노 듀오 ‘신박’ 멤버 World Culture Network ( WCN ) Artist    세계문화예술기획사(WCN) 소속 아티스트   피아니스트 신미정 (Clara Shin)은 오스트리아 빈에 거주하며 유럽을 주 무대로 선 굵은 연주 활동을 펼치고 있다. 오스트리아 피델리오 콩쿠르 입상과 더불어 일본 오사카에서 열린 오사카 국제 콩쿠르 피아노 부문에서 1위 및 4개의 특별상 수상등 , 여러 국제 콩쿠르에서 솔리스트와 실내악 연주자로서 놀라운 성과를 거두었다.   협연경력으로는 독일 바이에른 방송교향악단, 루마니아 방송교향악단, 슬로바키아 필하모닉 오케스트라, 북독일 교향악단 등 해외 유수 오케스트라와 저명한 클래식 공연장인, 빈 무직페라인 황금홀, 베를린 콘체르트하우스, 비엔나 콘체르트하우스, 크로아티아 리신스키홀, 루마니아 부카레스트 국립극장, 뮌헨 헤라클레스 홀 등 유럽의 저명한 공연장에서 공연하였다.   유럽의 여러 국제 음악 페스티벌에서 지속적으로 솔리스트와 실내악 연주자로 초청받고 있으며 독주자로도 두각을 나타내고 있지만 실내악에 대한 남다른 사랑과 재능으로 비엔나 유학시절부터 바리톤 안민수와 리트듀오(Lied-Duo)로 한국과 유럽 등지에서 활발히 활동하고 있고, 또 피아노 듀오 신박(ShinPark) 을 결성하여 유럽의 여러 실내악 축제와 오케스트라와의 협연 무대등 여러무대에서 한국인으로서는 최초로 국제적인 피아노듀오 커리어를 구축하며 전세계를 무대로 연주를 선 보이고 있다.   피아노 듀오 신박은 2015년 이탈리아 이스키아 섬에서 열린 국제콩쿠르에서 심사위원 전원 만장일치 최고점으로 동양인 최초 우승, 2015년 세계최고권의 콩쿠르이자 세계적 연주자의 등용문 콩쿠르도도 유명한 독일 뮌헨 ARD 국제 콩쿠르에서 2위를 수상하며 대한민국 음악인의 위상을 세계무대에 드높였다.   2016년엔 모나코에서 열린 몬테 카를로 국제 콩쿠르에서 심사위원 만장일치 우승을 차지하며 그 입지를 확고히 하였고 2017년 체코에서 열린 제 20회 슈베르트 국제콩쿠르에서 1위 수상과 더불어 슈베르트 최고 해석상인 특별상 까지 수상하였다 또한 다른 참가자들과의 압도적인 점수차로 인해 심사위원 모두가 다른 파이널리스트들중 2위를 수상하지 않고 3위 상만 수여하여 신박듀오를 2위없는 1위로 결정하여 현지 언론을 깜짝 놀라게 하였다.   피아니스트 신미정은 선화 예술 중.고등학교를 거쳐 서울대 음악대학 기악과 (백혜선,김귀현 사사)에서 학부를 최우등, 수석으로  졸업하고, 동대학교 대학원을 다니던 중 오스트리아로 유학을 떠났으며 빈 시립음악대학에서 피아노과 (Igo Koch, Thomas Kreuzberger 사사) 석사과정을 최우수 졸업하였다. 솔리스트로서뿐만 아니라 반주에도 재능이 있던 그녀는 기악 반주와 독일 리트(가곡반주) 가곡에도 관심이 많아 빈 시립음대 (Denis Benda 사사) 와 빈 국립음대 (David Lutz) 에서 기악반주과(석사) 과정과 독일리트반주(디플롬) 과정을 수료 하였고 또한 전문 피아노 듀오를 양성하기 위하여 세계최초로 피아노 듀오과를 창설한 독일 로스톡 국립음대에 피아노 듀오과(석사) 과정을 독일을 대표하는 세계적 피아노 듀오 한스-페터 슈텐츨과 폴커 슈텐츨 형제 듀오로부터 (Hans-Peter & Volker Stenzl) 신박듀오로 같이 활동중인 피아니스트 박상욱과 함께 최고점으로 졸업하였다.   세계적인 지휘자이자 피아니스트인 다니엘 바렌보임과, 실내악의 살아있는 전설 메나헴 프레슬러, 그리고 쟈끄 루비에 등으로 부터 마스터 클래스를 사사하였고, 오스트리아 빈에서 빈 삼총사를 대표했던 세계적인 피아니스트 파울 바두라-스코다를 사사했다.     2017년부터 서울 스프링 실내악 페스티벌과 경기 실내악 축제, 피스앤 피아노 페스티벌 등 국내에서도 활발한 활동으로 관객들을 만나고 있는 그는 2018년 올해 스위스 Boswil 에서 열리는 피아노 듀오 페스티벌에 초청되어 세계적인 피아노 듀오인 프랑스 듀오 라베크 자매 (Katia & Marielle Labeque), 독일의 탈-그뢰투이젠 (Duo Tal & Groethuysen) 듀오들과 함께 초청되어 스위스 데뷔무대를 가졌다. 피아니스트 신미정은 현재 2015년부터 오스트리아 빈 국립음대에서 외래교수로 재직중이다. 신미정 유튜브 채널


피아노 김정현 엔젤라

피아노 김정현 엔젤라 피아노 김정현 엔젤라 (Angela Jeong Hyun Kim) Assistant Professor at the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA 미국 남일리노이대학교 에드워즈빌 음악대학 조교수   Praised by international press as “a pianist who meets the highest standard of technique,” Angela Jeong Hyun Kim is one of the rising young pianists showing her versatility through colorful imagination, and intense musical expression. As a scholarship student at the Eastman School of Music, Ms. Kim received the prestigious Henry Cobos Endowed Piano Prize for demonstrating excellence in piano performance. In 2017 Ms. Kim received the Free For All Concert Fund from the Boston Foundation. The fund was used to bringing live classical concerts to underprivileged communities in Greater Boston area. The same year, Ms. Kim also received the Emerging Artist Award from the St. Botolph Club Foundation in Boston.   Ms. Kim began piano studies at the age of four, making her first public debut in her native South Korea, as the winner of the SoongEui Competition when she was nine years old. Upon turning sixteen, Ms. Kim came to the United States to continue her music studies with world-renowned pedagogue Wha Kyung Byun. During that time she toured and performed in Panama, and Guatemala, as a pianist with the New England Conservatory Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Benjamin Zander. She is a frequent soloist with the Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra, MI, with performances broadcasted nationally on Interlochen Public Radio. Additionally, former GLCO Maestro, Matthew Hazelwood, invited Ms. Kim to tour Colombia as a soloist with the Filarmonica Joven de Colombia.   As an avid performer of new music, Ms. Kim has been collaborating with the Callithumpian Consort, an internationally recognized Boston based ensemble directed by pianist, Steve Drury. She worked closely with many influential composers including Christian Wolff, Steve Reich, Gunther Schuller, Jonathan Harvey, Frederic Rzewski, and Unsuk Chin. During her DMA studies, Ms. Kim collaborated with Eastman’s Musica Nova where she worked with Hans Abrahamsen and Chaya Czernowin. Along with the collaboration of percussionist Andre Sonner, Ms. Kim has also formed a noteworthy Boston based Piano/Percussion Duo performing new music for the genre as one of the very few groups that exist in the country.   As a collaborative pianist, Ms. Kim has performed with musicians such as Dylana Jenson, Margaret Batjer, Martin Chalifour, and Paul Sonner. Ms. Kim frequently visits Interlochen Arts Academy for the one week Institute to perform recitals with guest artists and faculty. Through her education at NEC and Eastman, Ms. Kim has worked with renowned pedagogues such as Donald Weilerstein, Paul Katz, Lawrence Lesser, Lucy Chapman, and Russell Miller to name a few.   Ms. Kim has performed throughout the US, South America, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Korea.   Her important artistic influences include world-renowned pianists and pedagogues Russell Sherman, and Lev Natochenny. Earning academic honors, Ms. Kim completed Bachelor and Master degrees, and Graduate Diploma at the New England Conservatory of Music, as a student of Wha Kyung Byun. She has finished her Doctorate of Piano Performance, and Literature, at the Eastman School of Music, studying with Natalya Antonova. In the past, Ms. Kim had served as a theory faculty at the New England Conservatory of Music. She has joined the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville as an Assistant Professor in Piano and a director of the keyboard area in 2017. 김정현 안젤라 유튜브 채널


피아노 박정아 에스더

피아노 박정아 에스더 피아노 박정아 에스더 (Esther Park) Associate Professor at Columbus State University, USA 미국 콜롬버스 주립대학교 부교수 Director of Pre-College program at the East Tennessee State University, USA 미국 이스트 테네시 주립 대학 프리 컬리지 프로그램 책임자 Visiting Associate Professor at the Schwob School of Music at Columbus State University, USA 미국 콜롬버스 주립대학교 슈보브 음악대학 초빙 교수  Pianist Esther Park has performed as a soloist with orchestras and in recitals across the United States as well as Asia and major European cities. Ms. Park has appeared as soloist with many orchestras such as Houston Symphony, Corpus Christi Symphony, Filharmonia Pomorska, Poland, Shanghai Philharmonic, China, the American Academy of Conducting Orchestra at Aspen, Shreveport Symphony, the Juilliard Symphony, and the New Jersey Symphony.   Ms. Park gave a five-city recital tour in Korea, and has performed at the Juilliard Theater in NYC, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, Carnegie Halls’ Weill Recital Hall, Salle Cortot in Paris, and the New Jersey Performing Arts Center. Ms. Park is the winner of the 2013 Jose Roca International piano competition and Russian International piano competition (now San Jose International Piano Competition, 2009 “Prix Amadeo” and the 2009 Chopin Gesellschaft Klavierwettbewerb. She is the winner of the 2004 Gina Bachauer Piano Competition at the Juilliard School, and the 52nd Kosciusko International Piano Competition.   Ms. Park is a founding member of a piano duo with her sister, Sun-A Park. Duo Amadeae has since won the Chicago International Duo Piano Competition, and has appeared in numerous festivals, concerto performances and in duo recitals. The duo has been heard on WQXR as well as part of the Horowitz & Stecher foundation’s piano series.   Ms. Park has received her Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree from the Juilliard School, studying with Yoheved Kaplinsky. Ms. Park also studied at the Hochschule fur Musik und Theater (Hannover) under the tutelage of Bernd Goetzke, and has since received the Artist Diploma, Master of Musical Arts Degree and the Doctor of Musical Arts Degree at the Yale School of Music under the guidance of Boris Berman. Ms. Park has been serving as the associate professor of piano since 2015 and the director of Pre-College program at the East Tennessee State University. Starting in the Fall, Ms. Park will join the Schwob School of Music as visiting associate professor of music. 박정아 에스더 유튜브 채널


피아노 루바 폴리악

피아노 루바 폴리악 피아노 루바 폴리악 (Luba Poliak) Faculty at the 92nd Street Y, USA 미국 92번가 Y 출강 Faculty at the Bard College Conservatory of Music, USA 미국 바드 칼리지 음악대학 출강  Born in Siberia, Luba Poliak made her debut playing Mozart concerto with the Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra at the age of eleven. In 1990, she immigrated to Israel, where she continued her studies and graduated magna cum laude from the Rubin Academy in Tel Aviv. She studied in Brussels and earned her master’s degree with honors at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. Ms. Poliak completed her doctorate in 2008 at Stony Brook University, where she worked and coached with Gilbert Kalish, Pamela Frank, Ida Kavafian, Colin Carr, and members of The Emerson String Quartet. After winning the Stony Brook Concerto Competition in 2004, Ms. Poliak performed with the Stony Brook Symphony, conducted by David Stern. The same year her performances at the Sydney competition were aired on ABC Classic FM in Australia.   Luba Poliak has been performing solo and chamber music recitals across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia at the venues such as Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles, Belgium; Jordan Hall, Boston; Dame Myra Hess Concert Memorial Series, Chicago, IL; 92nd Street Y and Harvard Club, New York City; Bulgarian Embassy, Washington D.C.; Dudley Hall, Houston; and the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Ms. Poliak has received numerous grants from the America Israel Cultural Foundation and was a fellow at such music festivals as Aspen, Colorado, Verbier, Switzerland, and the exclusive “German for Singers and Vocal Coaches” program at Middlebury College, Vermont.   Dedicated to the music education of the younger generation, Ms. Poliak was invited to give master classes and lecture-recitals at Fort Hays State University in Kansas, the University of Houston, and Lehman College in New York. During fall 2010, and spring 2013 semesters, Ms. Poliak served as a full-time visiting piano faculty at Lawrence University in Wisconsin. She was invited again for an intensive weekend of a solo recital, a technique workshop, and a master class in the fall of 2013. Luba Poliak teaches and performs regularly at such festivals as the Texas Music Festival at the University of Houston, Heifetz Music Festival, Bowdoin Festival, and Bard College Piano Camp. In addition to being on the faculty of the Bard Conservatory Preparatory division, Ms. Poliak is also a piano faculty at the 92nd Street Y school of music in New York and a chamber music coach at the New York Youth Symphony Chamber Music Program. 루바 폴리악 유튜브 채널


피아노 이 동

피아노 이 동 피아노 이 동 (Eathan Yi Dong) Professional Profile: Over 25 years of piano teaching experience with students accepted into schools such asJuilliard, New England Conservatory, Eastman, Peabody, Yale University as piano majors withfull scholarship offers.In, 2015, as the president of Lake Como USA International Foundation, brought theaward-winning International Piano Academy Lake Como from Italy, to Oberlin Conservatory andestablished the Oberlin/Lake Como Joint Program (One of the program’s fellows Bruce Liu wasrecently awarded the Gold Medal at the Warsaw Chopin International Piano Competition).In 2022, as a special consultant to the United Nations, established a joint venture, partnershipbetween Oberlin College Conservatory and United Nations Institute for Training and Research(UNITAR).An entrepreneurial spirit in key leadership positions of numerous organizations.Core Skills:● Curriculum development● Training development● Policy development● Budget analysis● Piano Pedagogy● Educational software integration● Software team management● Fundraising for nonprofit organizationsEducation and Qualifications:● Yale School of Music – Master of Music Performance 2000● New England Conservatory of Music – Bachelor of Music Performance 1998Career Summary:● 2007-Present President: Opus119 School of Music | Music School● 2020-Present CEO: Opus Forte | Music Software Development● 2019-Present Founder & President: Opus Music Foundation | 501C3 Non-Profit● 2016-Present Board of Advisors of the International Piano Academy Lake Como,Italy● 2015-Present Piano Faculty: Oberlin Conservatory Summer Music Festival● 2013-2017 Director of the Elizabeth Mandell Music Institute (EMMI) of theCrossroads School (K12)● 2010-2016 President: Lake Como USA International Piano Foundation(501C3 Non-Profit)● 2005-2008 President: Music Teacher Association of California Orange CountyNorth Branch (501C3 Non-Profit)● 2003-2007 Founder and President: The Piano Corner Inc.IT Certification and Skills:● Microsoft Certified Professional + Internet (2000)● Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (2000)● Website development● Network deploymentAwards:● The President’s Volunteer Service Award – President Joe Biden, 2021● Heida Hermanns International Music Competition – 1st Prize, 1996● East West International Piano Competition – 1st Prize, 1996Piano Student Achievements:● Anne Liu – 2019 US Presidential Scholar of the Arts, Juilliard/Columbia Full-ScholarshipRecipient● Allison To – Grand prize winner of Third Tureck International Bach Competition, Stanfordand Oberlin College Full Scholarship Recipient, 2019● Adrian Liao – Winner of YoungArts and Spotlight Award, New England Conservatory ofMusic 2016● Phoebe Pan – Winner of YoungArts and Spotlight Award, Columbia University, 2015● Dennis Fang – Gold Medalist of Los Angeles Liszt Competition, Stanford University, 2012  Faculty at the 92nd Street Y, USA 미국 92번가 Y 출강 Faculty at the Bard College Conservatory of Music, USA 미국 바드 칼리지 음악대학 출강  Born in Siberia, Luba Poliak made her debut playing Mozart concerto with the Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra at the age of eleven. In 1990, she immigrated to Israel, where she continued her studies and graduated magna cum laude from the Rubin Academy in Tel Aviv. She studied in Brussels and earned her master’s degree with honors at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. Ms. Poliak completed her doctorate in 2008 at Stony Brook University, where she worked and coached with Gilbert Kalish, Pamela Frank, Ida Kavafian, Colin Carr, and members of The Emerson String Quartet. After winning the Stony Brook Concerto Competition in 2004, Ms. Poliak performed with the Stony Brook Symphony, conducted by David Stern. The same year her performances at the Sydney competition were aired on ABC Classic FM in Australia.   Luba Poliak has been performing solo and chamber music recitals across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia at the venues such as Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles, Belgium; Jordan Hall, Boston; Dame Myra Hess Concert Memorial Series, Chicago, IL; 92nd Street Y and Harvard Club, New York City; Bulgarian Embassy, Washington D.C.; Dudley Hall, Houston; and the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Ms. Poliak has received numerous grants from the America Israel Cultural Foundation and was a fellow at such music festivals as Aspen, Colorado, Verbier, Switzerland, and the exclusive “German for Singers and Vocal Coaches” program at Middlebury College, Vermont.   Dedicated to the music education of the younger generation, Ms. Poliak was invited to give master classes and lecture-recitals at Fort Hays State University in Kansas, the University of Houston, and Lehman College in New York. During fall 2010, and spring 2013 semesters, Ms. Poliak served as a full-time visiting piano faculty at Lawrence University in Wisconsin. She was invited again for an intensive weekend of a solo recital, a technique workshop, and a master class in the fall of 2013. Luba Poliak teaches and performs regularly at such festivals as the Texas Music Festival at the University of Houston, Heifetz Music Festival, Bowdoin Festival, and Bard College Piano Camp. In addition to being on the faculty of the Bard Conservatory Preparatory division, Ms. Poliak is also a piano faculty at the 92nd Street Y school of music in New York and a chamber music coach at the New York Youth Symphony Chamber Music Program.


피아노 이안 고

피아노 이안 고 피아노 이안 고 (Ian Goh) Malaysia President, World Piano Teachers Association (WPTA)   Founding President, Malaysia Piano Teachers Association (MPTA)   Artistic Director, Putra International Piano Competition (PIPC)   Founder and Artistic Director, The Fathomage Project (a project that organises recitals, concerts, masterclasses, and workshops internationally)   Founding Member, Debonair (a multi-piano ensemble)   Chairman of Jury, Asia Pacific Arts Festival   Vice-principal and Head of Piano, Clavier Music Studio (Malaysia)     Ian Goh is an accomplished musician who has made a name for himself in the international music scene. He has performed extensively in various countries around the world and has earned a reputation for his exceptional musical talents as a pianist and composer.   As a pianist, Ian has been recognized for his incredible technique and musicality. He won the Missouri State University Concerto Competition in 2008, which led to his piano concerto debut at Juanita K. Hammons Hall in the same year. Since then, he has performed with a variety of orchestras and ensembles, including the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre Orchestra, Sixteen Strings String Quartet, DSCH String Quartet, and Debonair. Ian has been featured in several major events, such as the Glissando International Piano Festival (USA), Costa Rica Piano Festival (Costa Rica), and Piano Gala (Malaysia).   In addition to his prowess as a pianist, Ian is also a versatile composer, with an extensive range of works in his repertoire. He has composed numerous pieces for various instruments and has been commissioned to create works for competitions and festivals. His music reflects his diverse influences, spanning from classical to contemporary, and his compositions have been performed in various countries around the world. One of his notable compositions, “Loving Life” for Choir and String Orchestra, premiered at the Asia Pacific Arts Festival 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and has been performed in the USA, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Additionally, “Wind Gust(s)” for Piano Solo, was selected as the compulsory piece for the Professional category at the Kingsburg International Piano Competition held in Yantai, China in 2018.   Beyond his exceptional musical talents, Ian is also widely recognized for his contributions to the music education community. He has served as an adjudicator for over 80 international piano competitions and music festivals worldwide, and is a sought-after guest piano faculty, lecturer, and examiner by music institutes and universities throughout Asia and the USA. Ian’s expertise and experience have been invaluable in shaping the next generation of musicians, and he has played a significant role in nurturing the talents of aspiring musicians.     As a piano teacher, Ian has a reputation for nurturing young talents, guiding them towards their full potential. His students have achieved remarkable success, winning international and national competitions and performing in renowned venues such as Carnegie Hall in the United States, Auditorium Parco Della Musica in Italy, and the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts Recital Hall. Many of his students have also received scholarships from prestigious music conservatories and universities, including the Eastman School of Music and Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music. Ian’s dedication to music education has inspired his students to pursue their passion for music, and his influence continues to shape the music world.


피아노 에스더 닝 야오

피아노 에스더 닝 야오 피아노 에스더 닝 야오 (Esther Ning Yau) Faculty of Longy School of Music , USA 미국 론지 음악대학 출강 Faculty at the New England Conservatory’s Preparatory and Continuing Education departments, USA 미국 뉴 잉글랜드 음악원 예비학교 출강   Esther Ning Yau is an active and versatile pianist based in the New England region. Known for her work in chamber music, Esther’s expertise extends to the realms of solo piano, orchestral piano and even other keyboard instruments such as harpsichord and celesta. Esther has been featured in concerts at Jordan Hall, Emmanuel Music Chamber Series, Harvard Musical Association Concert Series, Harvard-Epworth Concert Series, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Concert Series, Longy SeptemberFest, WCRB Live at Copley, Newport Music Festival and Bar Harbor Music Festival.   Esther has also appeared in numerous concert venues further afield, including Merkin Concert Hall in New York, Museum of Arts in Puerto Rico, Giovanni Arvedi Auditorium in Cremona, Esplanade Recital Studio in Singapore, National Concert Hall in Taipei and Government House in her hometown Hong Kong.   An adventurous musician, Esther has performed many young composers’ works (such as Garrett Byrnes’ Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra and Derek Bermel’s Tied Shifts for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Piano and Percussion), in addition to the standard repertoire. In recent years, Esther has been programming complete cycles of works. To date, she has successfully performed cycles of Beethoven’s piano trios, violin sonatas and cello sonatas. The upcoming season will feature cycles of Schumann’s piano trios, violin sonatas and cello-piano works and Brahms’ complete sonatas for piano and violin.   Esther is a faculty member of Longy School of Music of Bard College and New England Conservatory’s Preparatory and Continuing Education departments. She is the chair of the Bay State Piano Contest in Massachusetts and on the Board of the Massachusetts Music Teachers’ Association. In the summer, she also teaches at the Cremona International Music Academy in Italy.  She holds a double Master’s Degree in Piano Performance and Collaborative Piano from New England Conservatory, where she studied with Patricia Zander and Irma Vallecillo. Honors received include fellowships from International Institute of Vocal Arts in Italy, UCLA Song Festival, Aspen Music Festival, Music Academy of the West and Yellow Barn Music Festival. Esther is also a member of the New England Conservatory Alumni Council.


피아노 히라타 미키코

피아노 히라타 마키코 피아노 히라타 마키코 (Makiko Hirata) Instructor of Stanford e-Wakayama, USA 미국 스탠포드 대학의 e-Wakayama 출강 Instructor of Stanford e-Entrepreneurship, USA 미국 스탠포드 대학의 e-Entrepreneurship 출강 Instructor, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability for Eikei University of Hiroshima, Japan 일본 히로시마 에이케이 대학의 기업과정신 및 지속가능성 출강 An international pianist and a recording artist with ten released  albums, Makiko Hirata is “Dr. Pianist,” on a mission to promote the power of music to heal and unite us. She collaborates with neuroscientists to quantify the benefit of music and promote music as an overlooked social resource through speaking engagements, workshops and writing. She is a US-Japan Leadership Program Fellow. Dr. Hirata has given recitals, lectures, concerto performances and outreach concerts in the Americas and Eurasia with ensembles and artists, such as the River Oaks Chamber Orchestra, the Pecs Hungarian Symphony Orchestra, conductor Leon Fleisher, and clarinetist David Krakauer. As a teacher, she has taught at New York University, Colburn Conservatory of Music, Rice University, and Lone Star College, and given master classes and lectures internationally.    Dr. Hirata is a Shigeru Kawai Artist. More on Dr. Hirata is at: http://musicalmakiko.com/en/ https://www.youtube.com/c/MakikoHirata 히라타 마키코 유튜브 채널


피아노 데이비드 근태 박

피아노 데이비드 근태 박 피아노 데이비드 근태 박 (Keuntae Park) l   First prize winner of the 2022 France Opéra de Baugé InternationalConducting Competition 2022년 프랑스 오페라 드 바우게 국제 지휘 콩쿠르 1위 l   Neue Philharmonie Stellvertretender Künstlerischer Leiter /Principal Conductor   뉴 필하모닉 오케스트라 부국장 및 상임 지휘자   Keuntae Park, first prize winner of the Opéra de Baugé International Conducting Competition 2022 in France, also taking the Orchestra Award and Audience Award, has been appointed principal conductor/deputy artistic director of the Neue Philharmonie Berlin, beginning in the 2021–22 season.   He has led the Deutsche Symphonie Orchester Berlin, Komische Oper Berlin, Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt, Philharmonisches Orchester Cottbus, Magdeburgische Philharmonie, Neubrandenburger Philharmonie, Göttinger Symphonie Orchester, Brandenburger Sinfoniker, Kammerakademie Potsdam, Hamburg Camerata, Preußisches Kammerorchester Prenzlau, Athens Philharmonic Orchestra, Karlovy Vary Symphony, Cairo Symphony Orchestra, Opéra de Baugé, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra.   He began his studies of conducting with Prof. Christian Ehwald at the Hochschule für Musik “Hanns Eisler” Berlin, where he received a scholarship from the DAAD. Since 2022 he is studying Master Degree in conducting with Prof. Steven Sloane and Harry Curtis at Universität der Künste Berlin.   Keuntae Park was born in Seoul/South Korea, received his first violin and piano lessons at the age of four. He was educated at the Yewon School as a pianist, and he started his piano studies with Prof. Ian youngwook Yoo at the Yonsei University, where he was rewarded a full scholarship and graduated with the best grades.   In 2016, he began his Master degree with Prof. Gabriele Kupfernagel at the Hochschule für Musik “Hanns Eisler” Berlin, graduated his degree with the highest honor and in 2020 he completed an additional study course in Konzertexamen.   As a pianist, Park was invited to perform in many of the world’s greatest venues, including New York’s Carnegie Hall, Budapest Liszt Hall, Müpa Budapest, Vienna Musikverein, Konzerthaus Berlin, Steinway Haus Berlin, Schlosstheater Rheinsberg, Seoul Arts Senter, Sejong Art Center, Kumho Art Hall.   He won the grand prize of the Franz Liszt International Competition, grand prize of the Bechstein Competition, first prize of Frederic Chopin Competition, first prize of Joong-Ang Music Competition, first prize of Ewha & Kyunghyang Competition.   Since 2013, he has been the music director of Y us Piano Ensemble and 2018, he began teaching as a opera coach at the Universität der Künste Berlin.     출처 : https://en.neue-philharmonie.net/keuntaepark 데이비드 근태 박 유튜브 채널


피아노 박주영

피아노 박주영 피아노 박주영 Named one of The Top 155 Pianists of The Future by USA 미국 선정 ‘미래의 최고 피아니스트 155인’ 중 1명으로 선정 Active concert artist 전문 연주자 활동 중 -서울예고 수석 졸업 -맨하탄 음악대학 학·석사 수석 입학 및 졸업 -독일 라이프치히 음대 박사 졸업 -뉴욕 헤롤드 앤 헬렌 쇤베르크(뉴욕타임즈 저널리스트 재단)피아니스트 어워드 수상 -프랑스 파리 제41회 롱‧티보‧크레스팽 국제음악콩쿠르 4위 수상 -2015 프랑스 모리스 라벨재단 콩쿠르 1위 -2021 뉴욕 국제 콩쿠르 그랑프리 수상 -카네기홀 데뷔 독주회 -라이프치히 게반트 하우스 솔로데뷔 연주 -모스크바 필하모닉, 라디오 프랑스 필하모닉, 폴란드 실레시안필, 서울 필하모닉, 서울 내셔널 심포니, 대구 교향악단 등 다수 협연 및 독주 독일 뮌스터에서 열린 연주회를 통해 ‘모든것을 갖추었다’라는 언론의 평가와 독일 알텐베르크 국제 음악제에서 독주회를 마친 뒤 ‘베토벤 해석을 마스터’했다는 찬사를 받은 피아니스트 박주영은  차세대 피아노 주자로 주목받고 있다. 서울예술고등학교를 수석졸업하고 뉴욕 맨하탄스쿨오브뮤직에서 전액장학금으로 학사를 Philip Kawin 교수와 공부하며 뉴욕 헤롤드 앤 헬렌 쇤베르크 (뉴욕타임즈 저널리스트 재단) 피아니스트 어워드를 수상 하며 졸업하였고 명연주자 Horacio Gutierrez 교수와 석사를 마친 뒤 도독하여 라이프치히 국립연극음악대학에서 Teaching Assistant이자 도이췰란드 국가장학생으로 박사과정을 마치고 졸업한 뒤 한국에 귀국하여 국내외로 연주 활동을 펼치고 있다. 일찍이 13세에 모스크바 필하모닉 오케스트라와  협연 무대로 데뷔하여 이후 서울 필하모닉 오케스트라, 폴란드 실레시안 필하모닉 오케스트라, 대구교향악단, 프랑스 라디오 필하모닉 오케스트라, 라이프치히 오퍼 오케스트라, 라이프치히 유니버시티 오케스트라 등과 협연, 도미 후에 독일 5개 도시 MSM Trio 순회 공연, 뉴욕 라디오방송 출연, 뉴욕 뉴팔츠 피아노 페스티발 독주회, 프랑스 퐁텐블로성 초청 연주, 뉴욕 하버드 클럽 초청 3회 독주회, 명피아니스트 Leon Fleisher에 의해 선발되어 스위스 그슈타드 메뉴힌 아카데미와 페스티벌에서 연주, 파리 테러 추모 공연 카네기홀 연주, Verbier 음악제 영상팀과 영상 촬영, 링컨센터 연주등을 통하여 수많은 호평을 받았고 게반트하우스 라이프치히 홀과 라이프치히 오페라홀, 그리그 175주년 페스티벌에서 그리그 협주곡을 연주하며 솔로이스트로서의 역량을 발휘하였다. 2021년 뉴욕 국제 콩쿠르 피아노 부문 1위 및 그랑프리 대상 수상과 함께 미연방의회의원상을 부상으로 받으면서 주목받으며 2022년 5월 다시한번 카네기홀에서 솔로 무대를 가졌고 이전부터 2012년 프랑스 롱티보 국제콩쿠르 1위없는 4위수상을 통해 유럽무대 데뷔후 프랑스 라벨 국제 콩쿠르 1위, 뉴욕 Chopin Competition 2위, 맨하탄 Mieczyslaw Munz 국제 콩쿠르 1위, 음악저널 콩쿠르 작곡부문 1위, 틴에이져, 성정, 이화경향,  동아신문콩쿠르, 서울필하모닉콩쿠르 등에서 많은 수상을 통해 국내외에서 그 실력을 입증하였다. 솔로이스트로서의 활동은 물론 서울예고 재학당시 챔버 콩쿨 우승을 시작으로 MSM 트리오로서 독일 순회연주, 링컨센터 트리오 연주, 프랑스 퐁텐블로 페스티벌에서 솔로에 이어 브람스 퀸텟과  5중주를 위한 현대음악을 연주하며 여러 국제무대를 통해 챔버 앙상블 연주자로도 지속적으로 주목할만한 활동을 이어오고 있다. 문익주, 김재희, 신수정, 백혜선, Philip Kawin, Horacio Gutierrez,  Markus Tomas 등 국내외 저명 연주자 및 페다고그를 사사하며 전문 연주자의 준비를 마친 피아니스트 박주영은 지휘자 크리스토퍼 에센바흐, 레온 플라이셔, 예핌 브론프만 등의 마스터 클래스에서 연주하며 음악을 탐구하는 시야의 폭을 넓혔고 한국에서 음악활동을 시작하며 솔로무대에서 여러 아티스트와 콜라보레이션까지 다양하고 획기적이며 깊이있는 아티스트로 행보를 이어갈 예정이다.  박주영 유튜브 채널

위로 스크롤